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                      www.queerradio.org John Frame’s Queer Radio Downloadable Archives 1993 - 2011:

This page was last updated and checked for accuracy on 19th November 2023. Please be kind enough to report any errors or inactive links by emailing me.


Contact John Frame (former presenter of the Queer Radio show on 4ZZZfm Brisbane – active from 1994 to 2009).


grouped as Audio of Interviews /  Other Audio (not interviews) / Video / Images / Text


 Audio of interviews

interviews by John Frame for Queer Radio (on 4ZZZfm Brisbane) and/or This Way Out (Los Angeles based International LGBTIQ Radio Magazine)

The list of mp3s is being constantly expanded as I go back through my archives. Already listed below are complete interviews with:

1998 Sydney Mardi Gras (Mother re son lost due to homophobic bullying)

4ZZZ HIV AIDS Radio Plays 1991

AIDS Candlelight Vigil 15th May 1999, Brisbane

ATSA (Gina Mather and Kristine Johnson)

Australian Senate 13 Aug ’04 re Marriage Bill

Clive Barker (author / director)

Duane Boutte (actor “Stonewall” etc.)

Seymour Butz (“Gay In the Life”

Louise Brehmer (actor)

Brisbane Pride 2000 Rally March & Fair

Brisbane Pride 2000 and 2001 mini-collages

Sid Bromley (Jazz Show presenter, 4ZZZfm)

David Brown (songwriter / recording artist)

Augusten Burroughs (author “Dry” etc)

Paul Capsis (vocalist / performer / actor)

Judy Carter (author “Homo Handbook”)

Wayson Choy (author "Not Yet" etc)

Julian Clary (comedian / author / actor)

Steve Cohen (songwriter / recording artist)

Kylie Cowling (musician “Kaleidoscope”)

C Jay Cox (film “Latter Days”)

Brian Day (re 1970’s LGBT activism)

Laurie Deane / Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke (artist, activist)

Jeff DeLandelles (Bodyline Spa & Sauna tour)

Lea DeLaria (vocalist, songwriter, actor, stand-up comic)

Professor Milton “Mickey” Diamond (Professor of Sexology)

Bob Downe (Mark Trevorrow as) (vocalist, actor, dancer, comic)

Jane Elliott (Anti-discrimination Activist)

Skott Freedman (songwriter / recording artist)

Stephen Fry (actor / author / comedian)

Patrick Gale (author “Rough Music” etc)

Emile Gaudreault (Director/Co-writer “Mambo Italiano”)

David Gleeson (“Cowboys & Angels”)

David Graham (“Farmer Dave”)

Greg Gordon  (“This Way Out”)

Todd Graff (“CAMP”)


Jonathan Harvey  (playwriter and screenwriter of "Beautiful Thing")


Mark Islam (songwriter / recording artist)


Christine Johnston (performance artist)


Brian Kennedy (songwriter / recording artist)


Hal “Corky” Kessler (re: film “The Sum Of Us”))


Kiss Off at South Bank 14 Jan 2001 special (vox pops)


The Kransky Sisters (performance artists)


Stanley Kwan & Jimmy Ngai (re film “Lan Yu”)


Nancy Lambert  (Brisbane wildlife carer)


Benjamin Law (11 Oct 2000 “Coming Out Day” special)


Love-In For Love Equality voxpops (13th Feb ’05)



Judith Lucy (comedian / author)


Nikki Madden (songwriter / recording artist)


Frederick Malone (as receptionist for “Wet Spa & Sauna”)


Garrie Maguire (photographic artist)


John Marsden (late lawyer, activist and author)


Mass Debate re Gay Lifestyles (July 1998, Sportsman Htl)

Armistead Maupin (author “Tales Of The City” etc)

Robbie McEwen (professional elite cyclist)

John Moriarty (author “Liquid Lover”)

David Page (composer / musician)

Pansy Division at 4ZZZfm 17th Feb 1995

Chris Freeman of Pansy Division (2009)

Sue-Ann Post (comedian / author)

Queer Radio intro and ID/outros

Queer Radio’s September ’93 first birthday show

Queer Radio 6th September 1995 (Blair Martin, Chris Clementson, Gai Lemon)

David Rakoff (author "Don't Get Too Comfortable")

Stan Ridgway (songwriter / recording artist)

Margret RoadKnight (songwriter / recording artist)

Ian Roberts (actor / author / Rugby League football player)

Tobin Saunders (the man behind Vanessa Wagner)

David Sedaris (comedian / author)

Elliott Smith (songwriter / recording artist)

Jimmy Somerville (songwriter / recording artist)

John Shelby Spong (author / activist)

David Stevens (play and screenwriter "The Sum Of Us")

Stonewall Day Queer Radio Special 28th June'98

Sydney G & L Mardi Gras 1999 4ZZZ voxpops

Sydney G & L Mardi Gras 2000 4ZZZ Special

Peter Tatchell (activist / author)

The Three Marys (songwriters / recording artists)

Mark Trevorrow (incl as Bob Downe) (vocalist, actor, dancer, comic)

Tory Dobrin of The Trocks (choreographer / director)

Robert Urban (songwriter / recording artist)

Rufus Wainwright (songwriter / recording artist)

Ji Wallace (athlete / activist)

Gareth Watkins (photographer / activist)

Paul White (gay man and activist who lived with cerebral palsy)

Patrick Wilde (play and screenwriter for "Get Real")

John Willsteed (re film “The Rage In Placid Lake”)

Dan Woog (author “Gay men, Straight Jobs”)

Sherry Wright (relationships counselor)

William Yang (photographer / performance artist)

Matt Yee (songwriter / recording artist)

youth from YFS Logan’s “2QT2BSTR8” group (vox pops)

Many more are to come – for example: Doug Stevens, Mark Weigle, Robert Dessaix, Georgina Beyer, Christos Tsiolkas, Rob Clarkson, The Sailors,

Bloodhound Gang, They Might Be Giants, Simon Hunt, Tony Ayres, Gregg Araki, Suede, Michael Gow, Stephen House, “Happy” Charles Green, Jade Esteban Estrada, Dan Woog, Dwight Ewell, Brian Watson, Rodney Croome, Noel Jordan, Vanessa Wagner / Tobin Saunders, Cindy Ryan, Monique Brumby, Brian Greig, Derek Hartley, Peter Beattie, Lesbian National Parks and Services, Mark Islam, John Ashfield, Michael Vaccaro, Paul

Livingstone and Stephen Abbott, Kate Champion, Phillip Adams, Leah Purcell, Sani Towson, Deborah Cheatham, Dr Lynne Hillier, Prof Milton Diamond, Gina Mather & Kristine Johnson, Maria Theodorakis, Reg Livermore, Henri Szeps, Gay Woods, Judi Connelli, Tyler Coppin, Jimmy Rowland, Matthew Duffy, Rona Cameron, Scott Silverman, Enda Markey, SONiA, Andrea Weiss, D’Gey, and other musicians, artists, authors and activists. Requests to urgently upload any of the above will be considered.


Other Audio:

Queer Radio program intro theme and celebrity station ID’s

“Muff Divas and Drag Queens – A history of gay and lesbian lives in NSW” (February 1996 two part special produced and distributed by community radio 2SER in Sydney)

BBC4fm “A World In Your Ear” 23rd August 2002 program (includes Deb and Jaime from 4ZZZ’s Dykes On Mykes)

Pat Parker “Where Will You Be When They Come?” (14th October 1979 Third World sponsored Kickoff Rally for the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights)

Jim Goodwin “Presents the 4ZZZfm Jazz Show – Aug/Sept 1977”

David Tomlinson “When We Were Very Young” (late 50’s World Record Club vinyl recording for children).

Dick Bentley “Hans Christian Andersen” (late 50’s World Record Club vinyl recording for children).

Burl IvesCapt Burl Ives’ Ark” (1958 Decca High-Fidelity microgroove vinyl LP for children, featuring “Quack, Quack Paddle-Oh!” and “Bongo And His Baboon Drum”)

Sons Of Bee Gees live at The Roxy, Brisbane 8th July 1995 Brisbane Lesbian and Gay Pride Dance Party (recorded direct to DAT from the PA desk)

“Out & Loud” mixtape compiled 14th April 2001 - empowering music combined with soundbites from tv, film etc.




Mark Weigle performing live in the 4ZZZfm studio 3rd October 2007

New South Wales Gay & Lesbian Counselling Service “Coming Out” 1995 TV advertisement



Interviews (text plus mp3 links):



 Emile Gaudreault with Mambo Italiano_DVD artwork

Emile Gaudreault 23rd October 2003 x phone ex Montreal (25minutes)

Director and Co-writer of feature film romantic comedy “Mambo Italiano

download mp3 audio Queer Radio Coming Out Day Special 23rd Oct 2003 (25 minutes,256kps mono  48mb mp3)



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Benjamin Law, Emma Rodgers & John Frame

present a Queer Radio “Coming Out Day Special” 11th Oct 2000 7-9pm

7-8pm presented by QUT Journalism students Benjamin Law and Emma Rodgers (their first solo show as panel-operating presenters)


8-9pm presented by anchor presenter John Frame (Ben and Emma participate for the rest of the show)


Studio guests: Tim Ball (who would go on to be a regular co-presenter of the show until at least 2002), Nadia, Lydia, Kate and Richard. Tim and Richard were with the Queensland AIDS Council’s queer youth support group “Toehold” (which was facilitated at that time by Paul Walton.)


The full timeline details for segments and content of this show (plus the mp3 link) are in the pdf file at:



download mp3 audio Queer Radio Coming Out Day Special 11 Oct 2000 (122 minutes,128kps mono  115mb mp3)


Stanley Kwan and Jimmy Ngai 29 July 2001 re “Lan Yu” face-to-face interview (13 minutes)




Stanley Kwan (director) and Jimmy Ngai (writer) of feature film “Lan Yu” (Hong Kong 2001)

Stanley Kwan’'s 2001 feature film “Lan Yu” is based on the hugely popular anonymously authored internet published novel “A Beijing Story” (1998).


“Lan Yu” made its debut in Brisbane on 28th July 2001 as part of the Brisbane International Film Festival, with director Stanley Kwan and screenwriter Jimmy Ngai as visiting guests. John Frame interviewed them the following day in a cafe in the Queen Street Mall. He spoke with Stanley and then Jimmy, and those two interviews comprise the 13 minute 12mb mp3 .


This interview was used for an article published in Queensland Pride magazine, and the audio was also used by Los Angeles based International LGBT Radio Magazine “This Way Out”.


Read a transcript of the Stanley Kwan portion of this interview here.

Throughout the Western world, the television broadcast and DVD/video release of the Queer As Folk series is considered to be a pivotal element in changing public perceptions of homosexuality. Will the film version of China’s most popular modern (and Internet based) novel, Lan Yu, bring the same change to much of Asia? Lan Yu is filmed and set in modern Beijing – it’s the story of a worldly-wise businessman who finds true love with a student activist whom he thought was just a "one night stand". Their love is tested by financial, cultural and relationship pressures.

The recording linked below is 13 minutes – with the first 9 minutes being the interview with Stanley Kwan, and the last 4 minutes with Jimmy Ngai:

 download mp3 audio Stanley Kwan and Jimmy Ngai 29th July 2001 Brisbane International Film Fest (13 minutes,128kps stereo, 12mb mp3)




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Mark Islam – interview & Queer Radio special re “The Fine Print” album (62 minutes)


Interview by John Frame recorded 23rd July 2001 by phone from USA. Aired in three parts on the Queer Radio program on 4ZZZfm (Brisbane).


Mark talks in detail about his 2001 album "The Fine Print" – in which he unflinchingly explored topics including being closeted ("Treading Water"), f*ck buddies ("Trick"), anonymous sex ("The Well of Loneliness"), body fascism ("Invisible Girl") and several unique views on love - including one on deliberately being too busy doing other things to let it happen ("He's Got A Life"). Beautifully produced by Edward Tree and confidently highly recommended.


Music (in order): Trick / The Well Of Loneliness / Treading On Water / We Might Fall In Love / Drift Apart / He’s Got A Life / *Get Used To It / Invisible Girl


(*”Get Used To It” is from his 1998 album “The Recent Past”)


download mp3 audio Mark Islam – 23 July 2001 interview/Queer Radio special (62 minutes,128kps stereo 60mb mp3)



Jeff DeLandellesaudio tour of Bodyline Spa & Sauna (34 minutes)


Recorded 23rd May 2000. Jeff was Manager of Brisbane’s first legal “sex on premises venue” (SOPV), Bodyline Spa & Sauna, a business owned and operated by his family. This was recorded when Bodyline was in its original location at 43 Ipswich Rd at the corner of Hawthorne St, Woolloongabba, (inner-city Brisbane).


Aired the following night during Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm on 24th May 2000 (~8pm).


The purpose of the interview and tour was to accurately inform our listeners of the nature and workings of safe, legal and clean venues at which consenting sex between men was an option, as well as social interaction, in an environment which encouraged effective sexual health management. The previous fortnight I had aired a similar tour of the other main SOPV in Brisbane, “Wet Spa & Sauna” (talking with Frederick Malone).


Jeff shares what a new or existing customer would expect as they arrive and enjoy the facilities. He also talks about the philosophy of the interior design, the purpose of each area, and the management’s care for the welfare and security of its clientele. Bodyline, and other sex on premises venues in Brisbane, work in close co-operation with the Queensland AIDS Council and the Health Department to enable and promote sexual health testing and treatment.


I had previously recorded an interview with Jeff at Bodyline in 1996, but that was less detailed, and only mono and on cassette – this 34 minute interview was recorded using a Sony MZR50 MiniDisc with ECM-MS907C mid/side stereo electret mic, which captures the full ambience of the venue.

Jeff DeLandelles died on 13th June 2006. His mother Shirley continued to own and operate the business, however in early 2018 Bodyline announced that they had decided to cease trading – posting on their webpage that: “It is with regret, after nearly 30 years, Bodyline will close its doors at the end of trading on Towel Free Wednesday: 24th January 2018. We take this opportunity to thank all our loyal customers for their support over those years. Circumstances have made it necessary, however time and tide move on for all of us. Once again thank you for all your support.”


Music is Gary Glitter’s “Do You Wanna Touch Me”.      


download mp3 audio Jeff DeLandelles – Bodyline Spa & Sauna tour 23rd May2000 (34 minutes 4 seconds,128kps stereo 34mb mp3)



Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke with Wayne McIvor at the Queen's Birthday Ball 1992


Laurie Deane – Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke, entrepreneur, arts educator, drag artiste


2 interviews:


(1)  30th Dec ’16 “Having A Ball”  - the 55+ year history of Brisbane’s famous Queen’s Birthday Ball (42mins, 39mb mp3)

(2)  10th Feb ’17 re Sybil and 3 others celebrated in the inaugural Sportsman Hotel’s Drag Hall Of Fame (32mins, 28mb mp3)


Both recorded in person on the verandah of Laurie and Wayne’s lovely home in Red Hill, on 30th December 2016. (Recorded using two Verbatim headset mics and a Zoom H2 - edited using CoolEdit2000)).


(1)  30th December 2016. Laurie Deane (whose drag persona is Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke) was a founding organiser, and for several decades the anchor and driving force of the Ball. His partner in life Wayne McIvor (affectionately called “Rangi” – a nod the Murray Ball’s “Footrot Flats” character) also helped in the organization of promotion of the events. Laurie presents an entertaining overview of the origin and history of the Queen’s Birthday Ball, as well as sharing stories of the people involved and favourite memories. I contribute a couple of relevant personal anecdotes. Laurie is very happy with this finished edit – and was surprised to hear more details than he’d recalled sharing, but relieved that none of them will cause anyone any offense. He says there are plenty of stories, including in regard to police and politics, which will never be made public. The Ball was purely a labour of love for the good of the community (gay and straight) – with all excess funds after each Ball being spent in turn on preparing for the next, and in tough years that took them perilously close to folding. The closing line from Laurie is an observation that, long after his involvement, the Ball goes on.


QNews 3rd Feb 2017 cover story collage re Drag Hall Of Fame 400kstyle='font-family:"Arial",sans-serif;color:#FF33CC'>


(2)   The 10th February 2017 chat has Laurie still excited about Sybil’s induction into the Drag Hall Of Fame in the Sportsman Hotel’s inaugural event on 25th January. We talk about the QNews cover story and her fellow inductees Liz Taylor, Miss Synthetique and Wanda D’Parke. Also included in this chat is Sybil’s much loved friend Bernard King, the CWC (Citizens Welfare Committee) Cabarets, Sybil’s joy in drag (her life as a “weekend woman”), Ru Paul, Danny La Rue, teaching, gay siblings and parental acceptance, Mark Trevorrow’s San Francisco wedding to husband Stefan Elliott, Dr Wendell Rosevear’s “Make Love Infectious” theory, the Milan Dress, our mutual friend Mark Upton – whom I first met in 1972 and whom Sybil knows as “Missy”, Ruby Robert Kerr (“What a stripper!”), John Willsteed and the Pink Palace. 


download mp3 audio Laurie Deane – Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke 30th December 2016 (42 minutes 14 seconds,128kps stereo 39mb mp3) (re the Queen’s Birthday Ball)


download mp3 audioLaurie Deane – Dame Sybil Von Thorndyke 10th February 2017 (31 minutes 09 seconds,128kps stereo 28mb mp3) (re the Drag Hall Of Fame and much more)



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Ian Roberts, Australian actor, author and Rugby League player.

Recorded in person 2nd October 1998 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane (using a Sennheiser MKE40/K3U mic to Sony Walkman cassette)


Ian was the guest speaker at a gala dinner that night which was organised by Brisbane’s Gay & Lesbian Business Association. We spoke in the hotel’s café on Petrie Terrace.


He talks on a range of issues close to his heart – identity, acceptance, family, sport – and his view on machismo and masculinity. Ian was a pure joy to chat with.



download mp3 audio Ian Roberts 2nd October 1998 (8 minutes 53 seconds,128kps stereo 9mb mp3)



Sydney Mardi Gras 1999 - Queer Radio entry for 4ZZZfm 202.7 KB

John Frame, Scot Littleboy and Gordon Dailey, with Lisa, Tracey, Kerry, Ildika and Karen.


Voxpops from the 27th February 1999 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade


The first time 4ZZZ had its own official entry in the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade was under the "Queer Radio" banner on 27th February 1999. I was accompanied by our show's co-presenter Scot Littleboy, my lovely friend Gordon Dailey, and five of his beautiful friends - Lisa, Tracey, Kerry, Karen and Ildika. As official media I recorded lots of historic voxpops, which you can hear via the links below as 256kps stereo mp3’s. They were recorded using a Sony ECMMS907C stereo electret mic and a Walkman Pro cassette recorder:


1.     Scot Littleboy (Queer Radio, 4ZZZfm) 1:19

2.     Mature Age Gays 8:20

3.     Traxside Youth Health Service (Lawrence) 7:35

4.     Traxside Youth Health Service (Jo) 3:10

5.     Gay & Lesbian Swans Supporters 1:17

6.     “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” 1:33

7.     South Park does Mardi Gras 1:52

8.     New South Wales Health (Better Health, Good Health Care” 3:05

9.     Smurfs (volunteer HIV support in the Western Suburbs) 2:31

10.  Queens of Polynesia 1:43

11.  Redfern Social Group 2:12

12.  Lynx Social Group (“Lube”) 1:48

13.  Matrix (older feminist lesbians) “Old Dykes On Bikes” 3:21

14.  Garry Burns (“Stop Banks From Exploiting Australia Party”) 3:57

15.  June Dally Watkins Rejects 1:36

16.  Saving Ryan’s Privates 0:46

17.  Suburban Queers and their Pets 2:19

18.  PFLAG 3:54

19.  Twenty-Ten youth support group 1:59

20.  Don Dunstan Memorial 2:29

21.  Pauline Pantsdown (part of the “Black/White/Pink” reconciliation entry) 1:22

22.  Clean & Sober (Althea) “Clean and Soapy” 3:22

23.  Hero Marching Boys (from Auckland) 2:14

24.  Bob the Mountie 1:48

25.  Defence In Unity (Defence Forces Support Group) 5:14

26.  NSW Police Gay & Lesbian Liaison Officers 2:29

27.  Polly’s Social Group “City Lights” 2:42

28.  NSW Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby “Carr’s Attacks” 3:37

29.  International Year of Older Persons 2:44



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Seymour Butz, Sydney DJ (and “homosexualist sound conceptualist” ) interviewed by phone on 14th March 2000 regarding the unique CD album “Gay In The Life – adventures in the queer underground” (compiled by Seymour Butz and Nick Wales, Oddmanout Records 2000, distributed through Mushroom / MDS).


“Gay In the Life” is a compilation of original Australian alternative music which Seymour conceived as being “something special and new” - an emotive and slightly sleazy make-out album of well-produced, high-quality music by talented but under-appreciated artists, as a much needed antidote to the flood of cheesy music usually targeted at the gay consumer. Seymour wanted to represent more accurately the diverse range of creative music artists out there. The result is engagingly stark, richly textured, blissfully unapologetic, heart-stirring, confronting and joyfully celebratory. You will never hear another album like this – it will make you proud to be queer, and/or different.


Hear the 24 minute Queer Radio special linked below, in which the 14 minutes of dialogue is in 3 parts, separated by “Gay Sex Guru” (Jimmy Street) and “What Are These Kisses?” (DC3).


download mp3 audio Seymour Butz 14th March 2000 (24 minutes, 256kps stereo 42mb mp3)




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(Photo x John Frame – Paul White with friend Colin Crosbie at the 26 June 1999 Brisbane Pride Rally in Emma Miller Place)


Paul White Brisbane LGBT activist living with Cerebral Palsy. Recorded 16th November 1999 at Paul’s Fortitude Valley, Brisbane unit (using a Sony ECMM907C mic to MZR50 MiniDisc).


Paul White is proud gay Brisbane man who was born with cerebral palsy which limits his independent movement, but has not impaired his confidence and determination to enjoy life to the full, and actively engage with the community. With assistance from friends and carers, Paul was able to lead a full life and attend events such as the Pride Rally, March and Fair, AIDS Candlelight Vigils, and his local gay pub (The Wickham).


Paul invited me to interview him for Queer Radio so that he could talk to listeners about his life, his hopes his dreams. Like all of us Paul’s biggest desire is for love (but sex is also very important!).


Paul’s carer David is well used to his manner of speaking and helps clarify what he is saying. I like where Paul tells us how he once booked a visit from a sex worker, knowing he didn’t have the money on hand to pay – but says that it was worth getting into big trouble for. The music is Paul’s choice of his favourite song –  “I’ll Never Find Another You” by The Seekers.   


download mp3 audio Paul White 16th Nov 1999 (19 minutes, 192kps stereo 27mb mp3)





Brian Day Australian life-long LGBT activist. Recorded 15th October 2001 by phone from his home in Maleny on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

Brian was then 60 years of age, retired from paid work, and about to join the Board of the Queensland AIDS Council – and I was interviewing him because he had contacted me to identify and credit Martyn Goddard as the main author of the submission by the University of Queensland’s CAMPUS CAMP in June 1975 to the Australian Royal Commission on Human Relationships (which eventually reported in 1977, recommending the decriminalisation of homosexuality). At that time only South Australia had decriminalised male to male sex. That document contains many poignant comments and suggestions which deserved much more prompt attention from all state and federal governments. One notable recommendation was that the national radio broadcaster (the ABC) should schedule a weekly one-hour program devoted to LGBT people and issues. This text has been carefully scanned and proofed by me, John Frame, from the original printed document which was given to me by 4ZZZ’s Tony Kneipp in the mid ‘90s. CLICK HERE to download the 155K pdf file of Campus CAMP’s Royal Commission submission.

Brian talks about: The University of Queensland group “Campus CAMP” (Campaign Against Moral Persecution) and their 1975 submission to the Royal Commission / the expectations of the time / “post-gay” concepts now; sexual freedom in the 70’s – the party era? / cohesiveness of gay & lesbian elements in the 70’s / being a long-term activist – taking a break / recorded history / noticeable achievements / what still needs to be reformed / interlink of feminism and the gay cause / life in Maleny.


download mp3 audio Brian Day 15th October 2001 x ph from Maleny (18 mins, 128kps mono 17mb mp3)


Brian was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in the June 2016 Queen’s Birthday Honours List  - for “his service to the community through social welfare advocacy roles.” (as per Sunshine Coast Daily 13th June 2016)




4ZZZ’s 2000 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Special

As aired Saturday 11th March 2000 from 10pm to midnight.


Most years between 1996 and 2001 I travelled (at my own expense) as officially accredited Media to report on the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras for 4ZZZfm – recording vox pops with Parade participants to share with our listeners, so they could also benefit from experiencing the nation’s most diverse and public demonstration of queer pride. In 2000 Deb Murphy and Nat Johnson of Queer Radio’s sister show Dykes On Mykes joined me in recording vox pops. We also had our friends join us in a combined Queer Radio / Dykes On Mykes walking group entry in the Parade. I’ll post a group photo when I can track down where I’ve put the prints, however what I do have a wonderful memento of that Mardi Gras is the CD mastered recording of the two hour Special which we aired on 4ZZZ between 10pm and midnight on Saturday 11th March 2000 (7 days after the Parade).


The 4ZZZ 2000 Mardi Gras Special combines all of our voxpops with carefully selected and edited complimentary music – using queer musicians as much as possible. Below are links to the 2 one hour mp3 files and to jpg file images of the tracklist for each one:


Part 1:

            Mp3 (60mins, 192kps stereo, 80mb):   www.queerradio.org/Sydney_Mardi_Gras_2000_QR_DOM_Special_pt1of2.mp3  


            Tracklist (400k jpg): www.queerradio.org/Sydney_Mardi_Gras_2000_QR_DOM_Special_pt1of2_tracklist_800wide.jpg


Part 2:  

            Mp3 (60mins, 192kps stereo, 80mb):   www.queerradio.org/Sydney_Mardi_Gras_2000_QR_DOM_Special_pt2of2.mp3  


            Tracklist (400k jpg): www.queerradio.org/Sydney_Mardi_Gras_2000_QR_DOM_Special_pt2of2_tracklist_800wide.jpg




Senators who spoke for Marriage Equality on 13 Aug 2004


Australian Senate 13th August 2004 Democrat and Greens speakers against the Marriage Amendment Bill #3

(these are the speeches by the Senators who supported genuine Marriage Equality)


Here are 5 audio files of the 4 Senators (all either Democrats or Greens) who spoke against the Marriage Amendment Bill which changed the definition of who could be married specifically to exclude same sex couples. The Bill was pushed through by the combined block voting of Liberals, Nationals and Labor. I recorded the audio of the live video feed of the 13th August 2004 debate. In a shameful act by the LNP and Labor they “guillotined” the amount of allowed debate time to ensure that most of the 19 interested speakers would not be able to talk, and certainly there would be no time to consider any of the amendments proposed by Democrats Senator Brian Greig.   


1.    Senator Brian Greig (Democrats, West Australia) (10:00) re: the “guillotining” of debate time allowed (64kps mono 5mb mp3)

2.    Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (Democrats, South Australia) (9:48) re: the “guillotining” of debate time allowed (64kps mono 5mb mp3)

3.    Senator Brian Greig (Democrats, West Australia) (20:03) re: opposing Marriage Amendment Bill #3 (64kps mono 10mb mp3)

4.    Senator Kerry Nettle (Greens, New South Wales) (15:11) re: opposing Marriage Amendment Bill #3 (64kps mono 8mb mp3)

5.    Senator Andrew Bartlett (Democrats, Queensland) (20:35) re: opposing Marriage Amendment Bill #3 (64kps mono 10mb mp3)




1998 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade: mother speaks of son lost to suicide (voxpop recorded by John Frame for 4ZZZfm)


"He was a wonderful boy. The world needed people like Daniel."

- Tamworth mum regarding her 18 year old high school student son, lost to suicide through a prolonged assault of homophobic bullying.


Hear her testimony as an 8 minute mp3 recorded 28th Feb ’98 at the starting area for the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade by John Frame for 4ZZZfm Brisbane (11mb, 192kps stereo):




At the 1998 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade I recorded a powerful testimony by a mother who had lost her beautiful and smart 18 year old son Daniel to suicide caused directly by homophobic bullying. She knew Daniel was gay - he came out confidently at 16 - but she had no idea that he was being so mercilessly bullied at school.


Parents simply cannot protect their children from all the bullying they might endure - maximum protection is achieved through proper education and effective administration at our schools. This mother was marching in the Parade along with her late son's boyfriend Colin (and Colin's new boyfriend Warren), in the Anti-Violence Council's "Homophobia - what are you so afraid of?" entry.


Homophobia is directly linked to too many suicides - that's the main reason the Safe Schools Coalition Australia exists and why their program has been taken up voluntarily by 500 schools across Australia. In February 2016 the LNP Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, under pressure from right-wing homophobes in the ACL and in his own party, announced that he was initiating an investigation into the federal funding of the Safe Schools programs.


-       John Frame

-       johnvframe@yahoo.com Ph: 0409 501 561


(Written and published 24th Feb 2016 by John Frame. He was anchor presenter of 4ZZZfm’s “Queer Radio” program for most of 1994 to 2009 and maintains a public online archive of material from that period on his site at www.queerradio.org )



Krissy Johnson and Gina Mather at Brisbane Pride 19th Sept 2015  (L-R: Kristine and Gina after the Brisbane Pride Rally & March 19th Sept 2015, x John Frame using a Samsung NX300)


Gina Mather and Kristine Johnson of the Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland Incorporated (“ATSA”) – a vital peer support, referral service and social community group. Interviewed in the lounge room of their Camp Hill home on 19th April 2008. You hear their pets making the occasional beautifully ambient sound in this stereo recording (made using a Sony ECMMS907 mic to MZR50 MiniDisc.)


Gina and Krissy talk about the value of acceptance and support for children who are dealing with gender identity issues – saving many of them from self-harm and suicide. Gina says that the increased level of compassion and understanding in the community has resulted in the suicide rate for transgender persons decreasing dramatically – from over 40% in the early 90’s to around 6%. In April 2003 changes enacted by the Beattie Labor Government to the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act included “Gender Identity” as a protected area, which for the first time recognised and protected transgenders under the Law, and that has been a major part of the progress in community acceptance. In the 90’s a transgender friend of mine was told by her treating doctor that she was not taking her treatment seriously enough, because she refused to dress like a “real woman” (she would only wear jeans, flat shoes and subtle make-up). Gina and Krissy tell us that transgenders are no longer expected to make-up or dress in any stereotypical fashion – that being yourself is the most important thing. We also hear advice on revealing a transgender identity to family or potential partners. Gina and Krissy find that for them it’s best to be open and honest in their daily life. (Please note that the contact phone number for ATSA has changed – the new one is included below in bold red type – but the quality of service remains first class).


By 2016 we have routine high quality, informed media reports and inclusion of transgenders in media (especially on Radio National and ABC and SBS public TV networks). On the big screen, the UK film “The Danish Woman” is set to reap major awards. The public is quickly coming to the informed understanding that there are more than two genders – and that that’s perfectly OK.    


ATSA’s website is: http://www.atsaq.com/ 


and their contact details are:

                                           Phone: 07 3843 5024 (8am - 6pm) 
                                           PO Box 212, NEW FARM QLD 4005 Australia


download mp3 audio Gina and Kristine of ATSA 19th April 2008 (22 mins, 128kps stereo 22mb mp3)



Dan Woog interview Queer Radio archive CD cover scan


Dan Woog author/soccer coach/speaker/activist “Gay Men, Straight Jobs” (8th Jan ’02 x phone from Westport, Connecticut, USA)


I interviewed Dan regarding his book “Gay Men, Straight Jobs” especially, but we also discuss his books “School’s Out” (about LGBT issues in education) and “Jocks” (about LGBT men in sports). This interview has a very sound perspective on the broad nature of being gay and being happy in the world, as well as in your workplace. The above image is a scan of my archive CD cover and lists the topics we discuss in order. The interview aired in two parts, but for convenience I’ve saved the mp3 linked below as one continuous file. I like the quality of this recording as much as the content. The intro is an excerpt from the Paul Rudnick movie “Jeffrey” (featuring Patrick Stewart). The middle includes excerpts from “American Beauty” (featuring Scott Bakula) and the Simpsons “Homer’s Phobia” episode – which also provides the very apt conclusion.


Dan visited Brisbane during Expo ’88 as coach of a youth soccer team and is Chair of the LGBT Committee of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. Dan describes his 2012 book “We Kick Balls (True Stories From The Youth Soccer Wars)” as: “It’s a 30-year romp through my experiences coaching youth soccer. In over 30 years as a youth and high school soccer coach, I’ve seen it all. Crazy-ass kids. Batshit parents. Amazing games. Funny, weird, fantastic, awful situations. And that’s just one day.”


Dan Woog’s website is: https://danwoogwriter.wordpress.com/


download mp3 audio Dan Woog 8th January 2002 (29 mins, 128kps stereo 28mb mp3)



Stonewall Movie Jan 1996 Dendy Poster, cropped (view an 8mb jpg of the full sized Dendy Cinema, Brisbane poster)


Duane Boutte actor re 1995 feature film “Stonewall” (14th Dec ’95 x phone from Los Angeles)


Duane Boutte played the character Bostonia – “a chick with a dick who ain’t through with it” – in acclaimed BBC director Nigel Finch’s last film “Stonewall – The Movie”, a fictional, but fact-based, view of the life and times of a few of the patrons of New York City’s Stonewall Inn at the time of the 28/29th June 1969 riot. The film offers a carefully crafted blend of genuine humour, cutting drama, romance, politics, and life-affirming music. At its core is a big generous heart and determined honesty. Bostonia is the bar manager and girlfriend of the Stonewall Inn’s owner Vinnie – and she is a devoted mentor to her younger peers. Bostonis is well aware of what compromises need to be made in order to survive, and also of how much integrity is necessary to live with dignity. “Stonewall” is based on the 1993 novel by Martin Duberman.


Topics discussed in order: Realism / the nature of Bostonia / significance of the Stonewall Riot / “rite of passage” / sexuality not a choice / concern about gay community reaction to the film / dramatic and comic aspects / the music, costumes, great lip-synch, fashions / being honest about gayness / “Carousel” and other projects for Duane / Nigel Finch / an English production with some American crew / advances / HIV/AIDS / Duane as a big fan of Ru Paul.   (NB: I have long since reformed my appreciation of the film “Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert” – I have given myself a good hard slap for dissing it in this interview).


The Dendy Cinema in George Street Brisbane opened its season for “Stonewall” on 18th January 1996, and as a member of Brisbane Gay & Lesbian Pride Collective I arranged with them to return the film for a screening on 28th June that year as an official Pride Festival event.      


Since 2013 Duane Boutte has been an Assistant Professor in the acting faculty of the College Of Fine Arts at Illinois State University.


The 35 minute mp3 linked below incorporates excerpts from the film soundtrack, including the song “Give Him A Great Big Kiss” by the Shangri-Las (which is a perfect lip-synch performance by Bostonia and her friends).    


download mp3 audio Duane Boutte 14th December 1995 (35 mins, 128kps stereo 35mb mp3)



FrederickMalone.jpg - 73.2 KB

Frederick Malone A Walking Tour of “Wet Spa & Sauna” 9th May 2000.


“Sex On Premises Venues” (SOPV’s) are legal, safe and discrete private men’s clubs for adult (18 and over) “Men who have Sex with Men” (not all of their clients are gay). This recording is a half hour guided tour around what was the most modern of three SOPV’s in Brisbane in 2000. They provide an affordable, comfortable and safe alternative to doing sex at “beats”. Properly managed Sex On Premises Venues are undeniably commercial businesses, however the health, security, safety and welfare of their clients is vital for their own future. SOPV’s have the potential to be a vital and integral part of the community’s sexual health strategy, including minimizing HIV transmission.


My USA born and raised friend Frederick Malone was working as receptionist at “Wet Spa & Sauna” at this time when the proactive Queensland Health Department (under a Labor Government) sought co-operation with the four “men’s sex on premises venues” (Wet, Bodyline, Club 29 and The Den) who all signed a memorandum of understanding to guarantee a high level of hygiene and safety, encouraging safe sex and legal activity.


SOPV’s like Wet are – in Fred’s words - “a nice place where men can come and relax” and where sex is an option. Fred loved working there, as you’ll hear clearly in his charming voice. My intention in producing this radio documentary for 4ZZZ’s Queer Radio show was to fully inform and empower listeners with regard to caring for their sexual health. I recorded this using a Sony ECM-MS907 stereo electret mic with an MZR-50 MiniDisc recorder. I love the acoustics. For anyone who has thought about going to a SOPV, this recording will assure you that you have nothing to fear – and for any person who will never attend a SOPV it will be an education. My thanks to Fred for giving me permission to include this in the archive.


*”Sex on premises venue” is the Australian term for what would be known in the USA as a “Men’s Bathhouse”. This special aired during Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm at 8pm on 10th May 2000.

The music for the two minute intro, the station ID’s and the 2 minute outro is “So Many Men, So Little Time” by gay USA soul artist Ed Diamond, from his CD album “God Is Gay”. 


download mp3 audio Frederick Malone at Wet Spa and Sauna Brisbane 9th May 2000 (30 mins, 192kps stereo 40mb mp3)



Jane Elliott photo from her website - 8.7 KB

Jane Elliott Brisbane 4th May 1998

Recorded by John Frame at the media briefing for Jane Elliott’s "Anatomy of Prejudice" speaking Tour of Australia.


Jane Elliott’s website www.janeelliott.com/ opens with: Jane Elliott, internationally known teacher, lecturer, diversity trainer, and recipient of the National Mental Health Association Award for Excellence in Education, exposes prejudice and bigotry for what it is, an irrational class system based upon purely arbitrary factors. And if you think this does not apply to you. . . you are in for a rude awakening. In response to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. over thirty years ago, Jane Elliott devised the controversial and startling, "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" exercise. This, now famous, exercise labels participants as inferior or superior based solely upon the color of their eyes and exposes them to the experience of being a minority. Everyone who is exposed to Jane Elliott's work, be it through a lecture, workshop, or video, is dramatically affected by it.


There was a panel of eminent guest speakers from the local community who spoke prior to Jane Elliott at the media briefing held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor:

Michael Williamson (Head of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Unit of the University of Queensland),

Bill Lowah (member of the National Council For Reconciliation),

Uri Thelman (Executive Director of Ethnic and Multicultural Affairs in Queensland) and

Karen Walters (Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commissioner).


I was among only a handful of media who turned up for this vitally important event – and I was the only person with questions to ask, when invited. In the 23 minutes of her responses to my questions (as linked below as a 5mb mp3) Jane states that "The Blue-Eyed Program is an inoculation against racism", that "It ought to be alright to be what you are" (i.e. that you shouldn’t have to come out as gay – but you have a choice) and she states that "If you were black and gay – BIG difference".


I loved that we shared a big hug after the briefing. My encounter with Jane has put her voice permanently inside my head – making me acutely aware of any time I don’t meet my own expectations of standing up against discrimination. I consciously strive to not repeat my mistakes.


download mp3 audio Jane Elliott in Brisbane 4th May 1998 answers John Frame (23 mins, 48kps mono 5mb mp3)



John Willsteed interview artwork including Rage In Placid Lake promo image


John Willsteed - Film Sound lecturer and Sound Supervisor for feature film “The Rage In Placid Lake” (Australia, 2003)

John Willsteed has been a friend of mine since at least 1974. John is perhaps more well-known as a musician – having been with The Go-Betweens for their most successful album (16 Lovers Lane) and he is currently recording and performing with the countrified rock band “Halfway” whose 2014 album “Any Old Love” continues to be nominated for, and win, well-deserved awards. In 2003 John was running his own business in film sound, and was delighted to secure the contract to do sound for the feature film “The Rage In Placid Lake”, written and directed by his colleague Tony McNamara, and starring musician (and now actor) Ben Lee in the lead role. I saw “The Rage In Placid Lake” at the Palace Centro cinema – with my senses open to appreciate all of John’s skilled hard work and I was very impressed. It’s also a highly entertaining film in its own right – enhanced by the technical prowess of the crew.


I recorded this interview at the home John shared in New Farm with wife Sue (their family has since expanded with the arrival of daughter Delilah). I used headset mics (AKG and Sennheiser) and a Sony MZR50 MiniDisc recorder. The link further below is to the 10 minute radio edit which aired 3rd September 2003 on 4ZZZ during the Queer Radio show.


Optional extras:

(1)   the 16 minute luxury length version (128kps mono 16mb)

(2)   2 minute (128kps mono 2mb) extra in which John discusses the business of how sound artists are credited for their work. (2mb)


download mp3 audio John Willsteed 28th August 2003 re doing film sound for The Rage In Placid Lake (10 minutes,128kps mono, 10mb mp3)






Pansy Division live at 4ZZZfm Brisbane 17th Feb 1995 x John Frame

Pansy Division live at 4ZZZfm, Brisbane 17th February 1995

In the first week of February 1995 blatantly queer USA indie band Pansy Division released their 2nd CD album “Pile Up” (on Lookout Records) and hopped on a plane to Australia for their one and only tour of our big brown land. They played in Brisbane at The Roxy on 17th Feb '95 as headliners with a big support bill of Regurgitator, Frenzal Rhomb and Vicious Hairy Mary. I was proud to be their driver while they were in our town, and other 4ZZZ announcers were their generous hosts (giving up their own comfy beds). Jon Ginoli (vox/guitar) Chris Freeman (vox/bass) and Pat Hawley (drums) visited the 4ZZZfm studio at 291 St Pauls Terrace in the mid-afternoon for a live studio chat with announcer Kylie, and then Jon and Chris performed five songs live to air as a duet.

Pansy Division was a key factor in empowering me to make the move in December ’93 from being a discrete listener to Queer Radio, to joining the studio team and making that community activism a major part of my life for the next 15 years. I clearly remember the huge rush of adrenalin as I walked to the counter at Rocking Horse to purchase my very first Pansy Division CD - "Undressed" (1993). I have been privileged to conduct several interviews of my own with Jon and Chris over the years – most recently in 2009 with Chris regarding the release of the 8th album “That’s So Gay”.    

The link below is to an mp3 of both the live studio interview conducted by Kylie and (from 16:40) the “live to air” performance by Jon and Chris. Songs in order are: “Crabby Day”, Negative Queen”, “I Can’t Sleep”, “The Story So Far” and “Beercan Boy” (during which Jon broke a string). The interview sounds absolutely perfect, however the audio for the performance itself was overdriven as an input to my VCR recorder, and yet it is still great fun to listen to (as well as being an important piece of history – especially for me).    

The music in the interview by Kylie is “Big Mouth” by The Muffs and “Impractical Joke” by Smudge.

Topics in the studio interview include: The typical Pansy Division fan / touring with Green Day / musical comparisons / other queer acts / the importance of “out” gay artists / gay music in the UK / Bob Mould’s coming out as a “freak” / music stars as role models / Michael Stipe / Rob Halford / Joan Jett / Morrissey / rock that rocks / having fun in Pansy Division. NB: Times have changed a lot in the last two decades with Michael Stipe, Bob Mould, Joan Jett and Rob Halford all coming out – and in Morrissey’s 2014 autobiography he wrote he’d been in love with a man.

 download mp3 audioPansy Division at 4ZZZfm Brisbane 17th February 1995 (32 minutes,192kps stereo, 44mb mp3)




scan of CD cover of Todd Graff interview re CAMP

Todd Graff writer/director of feature film “CAMP" (USA 2003)

Interview recorded by John Frame beside the Brisbane River at the Stamford Hotel, 3:45pm Monday 9th February 2004 – using a Sony ECM-MS907 stereo mic to MZR-50 MiniDisc. I thank Todd in particular for being so generous in allowing me to re-start the interview after 20 minutes, when I realised I accidentally had the recorder on “pause”. This is one of the recordings I am most proud of – for both the content and the quality of the audio. Later this evening Todd attended a special local premiere screening at the Dendy Cinema, followed by a Q&A session and drinks. CAMP opened in Brisbane on 4th March 2004 at The Dendy Cinema, George Street and at Birch,Carrol & Coyle Indooroopilly.

What CAMP is about: A group of youth of various ages and genders travel by bus to a high-intensity 13 week musical-theatre summer-camp at "Camp Ovation". (It's filmed at a real-life camp which Todd himself attended as a youth). By default, most of the boys are gay, and most of the women are straight (accent on the "most" in both cases). Attending Camp Ovation for the first time this year is the undeniably handsome Vlad, who's avowedly straight but who also loves attention and is a complete flirt.


All the students are designated roles in musical productions - and with a new production every 2 weeks, the pressure is on all students to perform - even if that's at the expense of others. 


CAMP presents one summer's worth of life, love and self-awareness, for the handful of key characters - maintaining a great pace, with realistic and compelling character development, fine romance and moments of pure comedy. Young people may especially find inspiration to discuss sexuality, identity and stereotyping. Not-so-young viewers will acknowledge the experiences these characters are going through and may enjoy the song & dance aspects in particular. Even as pure eye candy CAMP is going to please nearly everyone - and it's full of free-thinking moral fibre.


Todd Graff is simply a very cool and genuinely very charming man.

I asked him especially about the element of the film in which the young girl character Ellen tells apparently gay boy Mike that bisexuality doesn't exist (or words to that effect). She knows Mike has a crush on her flirty and unfaithful boyfriend Vlad - and Mike had even done sex with a nice compliant girl to try to prove to himself that he might be more than just gay (and maybe also win some Brownie points with Vlad in the process).


Todd explains that Ellen uses that line in anger, during an argument, as the first thing she can think of that she knows is likely to hurt Mike. After watching the film again I can see that's true.


Todd says that he himself attended 5 years of musical summer camp at the same site where this film was made (it's the only such camp in the USA anyway). He says he fooled around with boys at the camp, but for a decade or so later only had relationships with women - until meeting the partner of his dreams (and now of 13 years) Sean. So Todd says that, while he identifies as definitely gay now, there's an undeniably significant part of his past that is bisexual.

Todd hopes people will see "Camp" as being non-judgmentally sexuality-positive for all youth. CAMP is highly recommended.

In our interview the topics covered include: The James Cameron film “The Abyss” – in which Todd, as “Hippy”, was one of the main actors / gay civil unions and marriage / CAMP as being empowering for youth in particular / the young actors / Stephen Sondheim (who makes a guest appearance in the film as himself) / bisexuality / John Waters / and touring to promote a film.

Music from the soundtrack CD which is used in the 40 minute special includes the original songs “I Believe In Us”, “I Sing For You”, “Here’s Where I Stand”, Wild Horses”, “Century Plant”, “How Shall I See You Through My Tears” and the Sondheim classic “Ladies Who Lunch”. 

 download mp3 audioTodd Graff interview 9th Feb 2004 re film “CAMP” (40 minutes,192kps stereo, 55mb mp3)


Extra hugs of gratitude from me to Todd for being so very kind in allowing me to start the interview again after 15 minutes when I noticed that my Minidisc recorder was accidentally in “pause” mode. We live and learn.



Mass Debate: “Gay Lifestyles – are they just a wank?” (Qld AIDS Council community event, July 1998)


The “Mass Debate” was an event organised by Chris Clementson of the Queensland AIDS Council as part of their community outreach programs. Recorded by John Frame using the Sennheiser MKE2002 binaural mic system (and an AKAI Hi Fi stereo VHS recorder) – listen using a set of open backed headphones and you’ll hear this just like you were there in person.


A popular criticism from anti-gay bigots is that being gay is a “chosen lifestyle”. This event uses humour to engage with the community and affirm that being gay - even if it is a lifestyle - is OK.


Host drag character Sue Perb (failed opera singer and cabaret artist) introduces and closes the debate in song, with the debate being by 6 fictional characters played by local gay and lesbian community identities.


The affirmative team: Hike Moron (Adrian Lovney), Miss Felicity McGillicutty (Gai Lemon), Rev Pastor Faster (?)


The negative team: Aubergine (Shane Rowlands), Ben Dover (Tim Benzie), Leo Von Fistfuch (Steven Jones)


Speakers in order:

1 (00:00) Sue Perb’s intro

2 (08:41) Hike Moron (Adrian Lovney)

3 (16:51) Aubergine (Shane Rowlands)

4 (25:33) Miss Felicity McGillicutty (Gai Lemon)

5 (33:51) Ben Dover (Tim Benzie)

6 (39:21) Rev Pastor Faster (?)

7 (48:08) Leo Von Fistfuch (Steven Jones)

8 (55:41) questions from the audience

9 (61:18) Sue Perb’s outro


download mp3 audioMass Debate “Gay Lifestyles – are they just a wank” (66 minutes,192kps stereo, 90mb mp3)



photo of Sue-Ann Post from www.affirmation.org and link to their articleSue-Ann Post Confession Of book cover as 30k jpg

Hear John Frame’s interviews with Sue-Ann Post, Australia’s self-proclaimed and acclaimed “big old lezzo” (and ex-Mormon) stand-up comic. The first interview was recorded 5th July 2001 by phone from Sue’s home in Melbourne. We were chatting in promotion of her season the following week at the Brisbane Powerhouse Visy Theatre.  She’s a breath of brutally honest fresh air and a joy to chat with:

download mp3 audioSue-Ann Post  5th July 2001 interview (12 minutes,128kps mono, 12mb mp3)


We met up with Sue-Ann in the Brisbane Powerhouse Turbine Hall after her 12th July 2001 show, and asked if we could record her reading her empowering and true coming out story "My Queer Old Life" (from the collection of LGBT coming out stories titled “Inside Out” published in 1999 by Bookman Press, Melbourne and edited by Erin Shale). Sue puts her heart and soul into this. Enjoy!

download mp3 audioSue-Ann Post 12th July 2001 reads her mini bio “My Queer Old Life” (5minutes, 128kps mono, 6mb)

The second interview was recorded on 2nd November 2005, again by phone from her home in Melbourne, in regard to an ABC TV “Compass” series special which aired on 6th November 2005 and was based on her 2003 trip to Salt Lake City, Utah as a special guest of the LGBT Mormon support group “Affirmation”. The documentary was titled “The Lost Tribe”. Eight months earlier Sue had also published a novel on her experience of that journey as “The Confession Of An Unrepentant Lesbian Ex-Mormon (or Hanging Out With Gay Mormons In Salt Lake City)” (Harper Collins, Melbourne).

Sue talks about: punctuality (I was caught out by the southern states being on daylight saving time – with Sue phoning me an hour earlier than expected) / what has made her mellow / exorcising the Catholics from Labor / her brothers joining the Young Liberals / The “Lost Tribe” documentary / “Affirmation” and the struggle for gay Mormons who have left the church / ex-communication / not being a “group” person / how Americans responded to her comedy / her book / the value of positive feedback / coping with celebrity (especially as a highly recognisable tall person) / her attitude to revenge / on polyamoury / embracing her own difference / dancing / having a strong teenage boy fan base (she reckons they most likely want a lesbian big sister who can tell them what women are all about).  

download mp3 audioSue-Ann Post 2nd November 2005 re “The Lost Tribe” and “Confession Of…” (15minutes, 128kps mono, 13mb)

Send feedback regarding Sue-Ann Post’s interviews or reading



Tobin Saunders at left and as Vanessa Wagner at right

Tobin Saunders DJ, community activist and performance artist creator of drag persona Vanessa Wagner


Tobin was interviewed 11th April 2002, in the intimate comfort of the cosy nook above the Turbine Platform at the Brisbane Powerhouse, by John Frame for Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm. He was in Brisbane to host the event “Show Us Yer Bits.”

This is an interview with Tobin – as Tobin – and he talks honestly about his life, attitudes and activism, including his character creation, the media celebrity Vanessa Wagner. On his site for Vanessa http://www.vanessawagner.com.au/?About_Me she self describes as: I’m not a drag queen and I’m not a tranny although I do cross over into serious gender "illusionism"! I am a housewife who after years of servitude decided to go public, get active and show people a bloody good time. I dance, act, attempt to belt out a tune once every ten years and am probably the sharpest host/MC this side of the equator, having hosted so many functions I have lost track. I throw my own fabulous events and dance parties. I also DJ and spend a lot of my time working with people living with HIV/AIDS throughout Australia. I guess you could say I am a professional show off with activist and charity slut tendencies. I'm an activist and my mum says "he stands up for the underdog because I think he feels he is one". 

The 30 minute recording linked below was originally aired in 2 parts. There are two complete songs included – the late great Kirsty MacColl’s brilliant “In These Shoes” (from her last album “Tropical Brainstorm” – 2002) and “Drag Queen” by independent artist John-Frederick (from his 2002 album “Extractions”).



download mp3 audio11th April 2002 interview with Tobin Saunders by John Frame (30mins, 192kps stereo, 45mb mp3)


In July 2002 Vanessa Wagner was a studio guest of Bert Newton on TEN’s “Good Morning Australia”. In the previous week Vanessa had been one the two first evictees from “Celebrity Big Brother”. As a deservedly legendary personality himself, Bert proves that he is the most professional and friendly TV host in the nation. I made a recording of the original telecast on VHS which I have carefully transferred to YouTube in 2014:    


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Kiss Off special 17 Jan 2001 CD art scanned

“Kiss Off” at Southbank, Brisbane 14th January  2001 special aired in 4 parts on 17th January 2001 during Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm Brisbane.


On 14th January 2001 the general community was invited to engage in a public “kiss in” at Brisbane’s Southbank Parklands to protest against the expulsion from the grounds a few days earlier of two young men who were being publicly affectionate on the Grassy Hill outside Lagoona’s, near the fake public swimming lagoon.


The invitation flyer text was “Be Part Of KISS OFF!! – a peaceful protest to promote public displays of affection for EVERYBODY!  Sunday 14th Jan midday, Southbank Parklands on the Grassy Hill outside Lagoona’s. EVERYBODY should be part of the fun.”


Perhaps 120 people attended, and I recorded 28 voxpops with people of all ages, genders and sexualities. I worked feverishly to combine those voxpops with suitable music (especially music by openly queer artists) to produce a substantial special for the Queer Radio show which I presented 3 nights later on 4ZZZfm. Originally the special was aired in four parts during the two hour show – but for convenience here I have combined them as one 54 minute mp3 – with a spoken explanatory intro to credit each of the music artists.


The big aspect I like about this particular project for Queer Radio was that I was able to use great songs by wonderfully talented musicians - songs that were meant exactly for this purpose - such as "Romantic Lessons" by Jim Skafish, "Every Kiss Is A Revolution" and "Privilege" by David Brown, "Like So" by Mark Weigle, "Who Do You Love?" by Candye Kane, "Get Used To It" by Mark Islam, "Loved" by Tom Robinson, "Love Thing" by Jimmy Somerville, "Kissed" by Pansy Division, "Kissin' and a Huggin' " byJoan Armatrading, “Loving You Is A Natural Thing” by Jeff Krassner, “"Whammy Kiss”" by The B-52s, “"Kiss Of Life”" by Peter Gabriel and "Something To Talk About" by The Flirtations (the queer accapella group). George Michael’s “"Outside"” is of course highly relevant here.


Nick Douglas, Samuel Walker and Michael Carden are among several friends who feature in the voxpops - Sam speaks vehemently against homophobia and Michael comments on "family values". Nick has the last word - eloquently addressing the need for public actions in activism.


This special was nominated a little later in the year for a Community Broadcasting Association Award, but did not win. For me it’s an example of the best I was capable of as both a radio journalist and engineer/producer. I am very proud of this.


download mp3 audio17th January 2001 Kiss Off at South Bank Special with voxpops and editing by John Frame (54mins, 128kps stereo, 53mb mp3)


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4ZZZ HIV AIDS Radio Plays


Produced in 1991 by 4ZZZ fm102.1 Brisbane, Australia as part of a national HIV / AIDS radio play project initiated by 4ZZZ. Funded by the Dept of Health, Housing and Community Services’ Commonwealth AIDS Prevention and Education Program.


1991 cassette version - it was also available as a booklet. This is a transfer from the original cassette tape – transferred by John Frame in November 2014 using a Sony deck to a Zoom Handy2 recorder and edited using CoolEdit2000.


This is the complete tape which included 5 plays, one song (the AIDS Rap) and a promotional collage. There were 3 tracks on side one and 4 on side 2. They were originally mono recordings on 2 track tape so I aligned the playback head as best I could and then chose which of the left or right channels sounded best for each track to keep as the new mono recording, and I adjusted the relative volumes of each track. These are now stored in my collection as an audio CD.


Each of these are 128kps mono mp3 files:


(1) “What! No Party Balloons?” by Tony Kneipp (6:40 128kps mono 7mb mp3)


(2) ”The Epidemic: A Farce” by Alex Prior (11:55 128kps mono 12mb mp3)


(3) “Your Friends Do Care and the Others Don’t Matter” by Diana Day (17:29 128kps mono 16mb mp3)


(4) “Lifeguard” by Colin Morris (8:54 128kps mono 9mb mp3)


(5) “Sam Spades and the Case of the Killer that Must Be Caught” by Wayne Dudgeon (23:57 128kps mono 23mb mp3)


(6) “AIDS Rap” (4:42 128kps mono 5mb mp3)


(7) promo montage (1:39 128kps mono 2mb mp3)



Garrie Maguire re his photographic exhibition “To Have & To Hold” 15th June 2001, Brisbane Powerhouse


Garrie Maguire program art for To Have and to Hold as 20k jpg


Recorded using a Sony ECM-MS907C mid-side stereo electret condenser microphone to a Sony MZR-50 MiniDisc.


Garrie Maguire lived near Brisbane for 3 years during the dark ages of the Bjelke-Petersen era (pre-1990) and was a member of the Tony Fitzgerald Fan Club (through the Cane Toad Times). His exhibition “To Have And To Hold” had toured in 2000/2001 to Sydney, Adelaide and Auckland before being installed at the Brisbane Powerhouse from 15th June to 15th July 2001, in tandem with Ray Cook’s “The History Of Love” as an event associated with the Brisbane LGBT Pride Festival.


Garrie Maguire’s photo series of “To Have & To Hold” along with full text of his concept is on his website at: http://garriemaguire.com/1/page_tohave.htm


This extraordinarily engaging installation of beautiful black and white photos with accompanying text allowed us an intimate and honest view of how a broadly representative group of gay men would like others to see them – and they also were able to express in writing what they ideally wanted in a relationship. The public could access these images online and send messages to the men, and this was possible at the exhibition as well. It was comforting to know that most of these men were not merely looking for big dicks and muscles.


download mp3 audio15th June 2001 Garrie Maguire interviewed by John Frame at Brisbane Powerhouse (6mins 50secs, 256kps stereo, 12mb mp3)


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Bob Downe (Mark Trevorrow as) 4 interviews (7th September 1999, 30th June 2001, 7th May 2002 and 3rd June 2005)


Bob Downe returns to Brisbane from Wed 8th to Saturday 11th October 2014 – with his Edinburgh Comedy Festival hit show “Bob, Sweat & Tears” at the Brisbane Powerhouse. To celebrate this occasion I am getting totally Downe with the Queer Radio Archive – presenting for public access, for the very first time, all four face-to-face interviews which I’ve had the distinct privilege to record with Mr Bob Downe from 1999 to 2005. All but one of the interview mp3 file links is complemented by a scan of the archive CD artwork, and some explanatory text. The one without artwork is taken from my CD of voxpop recordings from the 2001 Brisbane Gay & Lesbian Pride Fair Day.


(1)   download mp3 audio7th September 1999 Mark Trevorrow (stage name Bob Downe) interviewed by John Frame at the Dockside Apartments, Brisbane City (14minutes, 192kps stereo, 18mb mp3)

Recorded 7th September 1999 at the Dockside Apartments, Brisbane with Mark in Bob Downe mode promoting his “Million Seller Hits” tour, which played at the Twelfth Night Theatre from 8-11 Sept ’99. Recorded using a Sony ECM MS907 stereo mic to Sony MZR-50 MiniDisc. Halfway through there’s a musical interlude as I play Bob’s choice of a genuine million seller hit: Ike & Tina Turner'’s “"River Deep, Mountain High”".


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(2)   download mp3 audio30th June 2001 Mark Trevorrow (stage name Bob Downe) interviewed by John Frame at the Brisbane Pride Fair, Musgrave Park (2 minutes, 128kps stereo, 2mb mp3)

A mini impromptu “voxpop” style interview recorded with Mark (out of makeup, but in Bob mode) at the Brisbane Gay & Lesbian Pride Fair at Musgrave Park on 30th June 2001. Mark was in town to promote his new CD “Bob Downe – Huge Hits”. Recorded using a Sony ECM MS907 stereo mic to Sony MZR-50 MiniDisc.


(NB: There is no image for the 30th June 2001 interview)



(3)   download mp3 audio 7th May 2002 Mark Trevorrow (stage name Bob Downe) interviewed by John Frame at Kirribilly Units, New Farm, Brisbane (33 minutes, 192kps stereo, 45mb mp3)

A luxury length, wonderfully detailed and relaxed interview with Mark Trevorrow, initially as Bob Downe – and as the man who made him a star. Recorded in the most intimate of surroundings - on Bob’s bed at the Kirribilly Units, New Farm on 7th May 2002 – using two sets of Tandy headset mics into a Sony MZR50 MiniDisc unit. The “Bob Downe – Cold August Night” tour played at the Powerhouse Theatre from 8-26th May 2002. When I arrived on time for the interview Mark apologised – saying that a mainstream media opportunity had arisen and said we could record the interview after a quick trip to Brisbane City for a stunt at Festival Hall – and I was invited to come along. I was only too happy to comply, and this was a wonderful unique experience. Mark was in full costume and make-up – so this was like a dream date with Bob Downe. Brisbane Festival Hall was famous as the city’s main live music performance venue – especially from the 1960s to the ‘80s – and was known at this time to soon be closed forever. Mark had arranged with management to get access through the building to the awning above the corner of Charlotte and Albert Sts – where he stood directly under the “Festival Hall” sign. He had prepared a large placard as if staging a protest to save the venue – the placard read ”ROCK AND ROLL WILL NEVER DIE…..IT’S JUST MOVED TO THE POWERHOUSE!” After the media had departed we had afternoon tea at a café across the road – with the young waiter swooning unashamedly as he served us (Mark was still in full costume). Back at Kirribilly Mark was true to his word – generously allowing over half an hour of upfront and personal chatting (initially as Bob, and then as Mark). So please sit back, relax and enjoy – I hope this is good for you too.


Topics covered are listed on the scanned cover of my archive CD and since the mp3 is a seamless mixdown of all 4 parts, you might find it handy to know that Part 2 starts at 9:05, Part 3 starts at 16:24 and Part 4 starts at 25:23.


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(4)   download mp3 audio 3rd June 2005 Mark Trevorrow (stage name Bob Downe) interviewed by John Frame at the Brisbane Powerhouse, (17 minutes, 192kps stereo, 23mb mp3)

Bob Downe was the star attraction as the 3rd June 2005 launch event for the Brisbane Lesbian and Gay Pride Festival. He performed on the Brisbane Powerhouse Turbine Platform, and after his 45 minute performance I recorded this interview with Mark in the Turbine dressing room. The acoustics are amazing. Recorded using a Sony ECM MS907 stereo mic to MZR50 MiniDisc. I thank Mark in particular for his media professionalism and guidance in making this interview go so well and sound so perfect. The introduction is the track “Can Man” from the CD “Bob Downe Live At The State Theatre” and at 6m32s there’s another track from the same CD: Bob’s rendering of Golden Earring’s “Radar Love”.


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AIDS Candlelight Vigil 15th May 1999, Brisbane at Southbank beside QPAC. I (John Frame) am very honoured to have been invited to act as Master of Ceremonies for this vital community event. The recording was made direct from the PA desk to my Sony MZR-50 MiniDisc (in mono). On 14th September 2014 I transferred the recording from MD to digital and rebalanced the relative volumes of the speakers and performers. I also fixed every incidence of microphone “popping”. The technical quality is very high, but the content is exceptionally valuable as well as historic. This is dedicated to the memory of those contributors, including the Reverend Ivor Holmans, who have since died.


download mp3 audio Queensland AIDS Candlelight Vigil 15th May 1999 complete recording (113minutes, 128kps 103mb mono mp3)


The running order and starting times are:


00:00 Rochelle Watson (singer) “Amazing Grace”

03:05 Auntie Marjorie – Indigenous Elder (blessing and welcome to country)

04:18 Hon. Wendy Edmond Queensland Minister for Health

12:39 Rev. Ivor Holmans of the Metropolitain Church (candle ceremony)

14:34 Brisbane Lesbian & Gay Pride Choir

19:16 Rev. Ivor Holmans of the Metropolitain Church (prayer)

20:57 Dr. Wendell Rosevear OAM (11mb mp3)

32:50 Mark Saunders Indigenous Officer of the Queensland AIDS Council

36:16 Rev. Ivor Holmans of the Metropolitain Church (joyous celebration)

38:14 Adrian Lovney, retiring president of the Queensland AIDS Council (13mb mp3)

52:22 Jo Cleary of St Luke’s Nursing Service

56:24 Greg Bray of Queensland Positive People

60:58 John Frame introduces Ed Diamond “If You Love Me” (ex CD “God Is Gay”)

65:23 Brisbane Lesbian & Gay Pride Choir (“Throw Your Arms”, “Breaths”, “Equality”, “Freedom Train”)

79:36 Rochelle Watson (“Identity”, “Anytime”, “Too Deadly My Sister”, “Black To Reality”’)

97:32 Jeff & Mark (“Alabama”, “Cry Teething”, “Mudslide Slim”, “Cold Stare”, Lo and Behold”)

Send feedback regarding the Queensland AIDS Candlelight Vigil 15th May 1999


Queer Radio program 6th September 1995


John Frame as announcer with studio guests Chris Clementson and Blair Martin – who both stay for most of the show.


This was John’s 40th birthday – so there’s some minor focus around at the start and also at the end of the show at the 88 minute mark which is when the joyous Gai Lemon visits to help celebrate the occasion.


Chris Clementson worked with the Queensland AIDS Council and joined us to talk in detail about the HIV+ support group Queensland Positive People and the Queensland Positive People Centre which was located in Allen Street, Woolloongabba and was run by QPP to serve as a safe community centre for HIV+ people and their friends.


Recorded a home on HiFi stereo VHS tape from the line out of an AIWA ghetto blaster. 4ZZZ’s sound was great in those days – very dynamic and clear. (These days with the “loudness wars” in full swing the signal is so heavily compressed and limited that the music and voices sound like they’ve been processed through a kazoo).


Music (John’s choices in pink, Blair’s in green): Frank Zappa: “Call Any Vegetable” (aired prior to the tape starting - hear this track via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC_wcFDpLmw ); Pet Shop Boys: “Shameless”; Chumbawamba: “Love Me”; Chris Isaak: “Somebody’s Crying”; Bonzo Dog Band: “Hello Mabel”; Alanis Morissette: “You Oughta Know”; Podunk: “Sung”; Gary Numan: “Are Friends Electric”;  Sophie Tucker: “Life Begins At 40”; Burl Ives: “This Is All I Ask”.


We also talk about the benefits or otherwise of being openly gay – and mention Ian Roberts (a year or so before he officially came out to the public). Chris says he had met Ian’s boyfriend, and he was lovely.

download mp3 audio Queer Radio 6th September 1995 program – full show (105minutes, 100mb 128kps stereo mp3)


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Brisbane Pride Rally, March & Fair 2000 and 2001 voxpop mini-collages


Below are three links to stereo mp3 files (about 6 minutes each) of John Frame’s recordings of Brisbane Pride voxpops from 2000 and 2001.


I enjoy the news of queer Pride celebrations happening around the world and I miss that the Brisbane event is no longer held at the same time (at the end of June near Stonewall Day). For the 19th June 2002 Queer Radio show to promote the 22nd June Pride Rally, March & Fair, I carefully compiled 2 collages of voxpops which I had recorded at the 2000 and 2001 events, plus an excerpt from the 2001 Rally in King George Square, when I was Master of Ceremonies. These are in delightful life infused stereo, and were recorded using a Sony ECM-MS907C mic to a Sony MZR50 MiniDisc:-

(1) 2000 Brisbane Pride March voxpop mix (5mins 54secs) - Scott Williams / Ben Pennings / Simon Pugh / Renate Bowden / Kenny McLeod / Wayne Roberts / Doug / Ian's first Pride March /
 David McKelvey / Building Bridges / Deb Murphy: 

(2) 2001 Brisbane Pride Fair voxop mix (4mins 57secs) -
 Andrew Petersenand Colin / woman with Gus the dog / woman with BIG dog / Bob Downe / "Beers For Queers" / John (teacher from west Qld) / Vanessa Wagner:

(3) 2001 Brisbane Pride Rally - as the rally closes and people are assembling to leave King George Square on the March to Musgrave Park, MC John Frame introduces the uplifting song "Wear Your Pride" by gay USA musician Happy Charles (Charles Green) which starts with an interview excerpt in which Charles shares the positive reception from his mother and sister to his own coming out. The first 3 minutes are the live recording (with raucous crowd noises) - it then fades over to the CD recording for the rest of the song. (6mins 17 secs):


photo of David Gleeson beside poster for Cowboys And Angels 108k jpg

David Gleeson re 2004 feature film “Cowboys & Angels”

David Gleeson in Dublin, Ireland interviewed by John Frame 9th June 2005 by phone at home in Brisbane - using a Sony phone pickup and Altec Lansing headset to Sony MiniDisc. The interview was arranged by the Australian DVD distributor “ForceVideo”.

My Amazon UK review of the DVD is: “I received a preview disc for this film in May 2005 as it was being released in Australia. I popped the DVD into my PC just to see what this film looked and sounded like - and was immediately wrapped up in the visuals, the story and especially the sound. Even with a modest 5.1 speaker system I was amazed - it's hard to imagine a bigger or better experience in a cinema. Ninety minutes later I was happy to sing its praises.

I like that the script is very tight - yet allowing space for the characters to breathe. You can't help trying to second guess how they'll develop, because there's enough divergence to counter predictability - meaning that it all makes good reasonable sense and is very satisfying.

Filmed entirely on location in Limerick - the first time I'm aware of seeing this beautiful city on film. I enjoyed interviewing writer/director David Gleeson who says that the main characters are based roughly on his own experience as a young straight man with an overtly gay flatmate.

I'm stunned that there are so few positive reviews on Amazon for Cowboys And Angels - because among the hundreds of gay/queer films from around the world that I've viewed with an appreciation of their gay credibility and cinematic quality this film definitely is in my top ten.

The stunning surround sound mix by Germany's Sascha Heiny is just one of the attractions - and the film is certainly morally sound (being both very homo and hetero friendly). It's all round damned fine entertainment enhanced by beautiful Irish accents.

PS: for some unknown reason the Australian DVD release through ForceVideo had only 2.0 stereo, no subtitles and an inferior picture quality. The NTSC version preview disc was true 16:9 anamorphic, offered a choice of 5.1 surround or 2.0 stereo, an excellent commentary track and English language subtitles. This PAL version listed at Amazon UK is released by TLA, the same company as the NTSC version listed at Amazon.com (where the film gets an average 4.5 stars from 21 reviewers - a much more sensible result).

On 15th June 2014 sound designer Sascha Heiny posted the following comment to my review: “Thank you for mentioning me personally. It was great working on the Sound for this film and a Lot of Fun, too! Best, Sascha

Topics discussed include (in order): Why David made this film / stereotype concerns / breaking down stereotypes / the “look” of the film / the surround sound design / the richness of the screenplay / how the people of Limerick responded / on sexual attraction and responsiveness of the characters / gayness as a modern day non-issue.

Excerpts from the stereo soundtrack of the DVD are included in this half hour edited special which aired on the Queer Radio program (in 3 parts) on 4ZZZfm on 15th June 2005.

download mp3 audio David Gleeson interview 9th June 2005 (29minutes, 29mb 128kps stereo mp3)


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Scott Bakula and Clive Barker 1995 on set for Lord Of Illusions (104K)

Clive Barker re 1995 feature film “Lord Of Illusions”

Recorded by John Frame 18th October 1995 in the 4ZZZfm NewsBooth (St Pauls Tce, The Valley, Brisbane) for the Queer Radio program. Clive was in Los Angeles. Clive had asked his publicists to particularly seek out LGBT media for him to chat with. Not only is Clive an openly gay man, but he also includes in this film some quite apparent queer sensibility which he wanted people to notice. “Lord Of Illusions” features the “very sexy” Scott Bakula in the lead role as darkly brooding private detective Harry D’Amour in a very confronting mystery thriller involving magic, cult religion and unbridled blood splashing evil. Clive The recording quality is very good – though there are the occasional long distance call “beeps”.

The 25minute special opens with the audio of the film’s trailer and concludes with Diamanda Galas singing “Dancing In The Dark”

Topics discussed include (in order): Skott Bakula (brave, bright, talented and sexy); Diamanda Galas; on making a horror film which genuinely horrifies the audience while they’re watching it – letting them enjoy the thrill, not making them afraid to go out at night; the importance of creative control in his films; on the “man on man” action in this film which he says is virtually a “homoerotic manage a trios” (Clive says that the film has drawn a few very homophobic reviews); on the straight and queer readings of this film; on being openly gay and having no negative responses from readers; Lux and Ivy of The Cramps and their attitude of embracing “blood boiling life”; Clive says he is proud as hell of this movie, and so happy to hear that all the queer elements which he deliberately put in Lord Of Illusions have been noticed and appreciated.

Read a transcript of selected edits from this interview

Clive Barker includes quotes from the above linked transcript on his own site at: http://www.clivebarker.info/ints95c.html


download mp3 audio Clive Barker interview 18th Oct 1995 (25minutes, 25mb 128kps stereo mp3)


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Brisbane Pride Festival 2000 – Rally, March & Fair  speeches and voxpops

Recorded by John Frame 24th June 2000 for the Queer Radio and Dykes On Mykes programs on 4ZZZfm at the LGBTI Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex) Pride Rally, March and Fair. The recordings include all of the speeches from the Rally in King George Square (from 10am) and a wide range of  voxpops with participants and onlookers during the March to the Fair in Musgrave Park , South Brisbane, and concluding with some voxpops at the Fair itself. These were recorded using a Sony MZR50 MiniDisc and Sony ECM-MS907 stereo condenser microphone.

download mp3 audio via the hyperlinks below

Speakers at the Rally:

Gai Lemon (MC) (2:28) (128kps stereo mp3, 3mb).

Toye de Wilde (11:00) (128kps stereo mp3, 11mb).

Gai Lemon calls for a shout of pride (1:39) (128kps stereo mp3, 2mb).

T.J. and Jaime of Citrus Witches (performance poetry) (4:37) (128kps stereo mp3, 5mb).

Mark Saunders (12:40) (128kps stereo mp3, 13mb).

Pride March and Fair Voxpop collages:

Collage 1 of 5 (March) (6:53) (128kps stereo mp3, 7mb)  In order: Scott Williams, Mark White, Simon Pugh & Renate Bowden, Ben Pennings, David Free, the Marshalls, 1st time onlooker, “My best friend is bi”, “It’s good”, Miss Synthetique, “Good on ‘em”, big talking 6 year old, “Doesn’t worry me”, “Fantastic”.

Collage 2 of 5 (March) (5:53) (128kps stereo mp3, 6mb)  In order: Trish Cox in the ambulance, Chatty cyclist, Michael Carden, Wayne Roberts (Bisexual Network), David McKelvey with whistle, BrotherSister worker, Rev. Ivor Holmans (Metropolitain Community Church). 

Collage 3 of 5 (March) (6:43) (128kps stereo mp3, 7mb) In order: Ian (1st Pride March), “Building Bridges” (Catholic support group) family, University of Queensland Sexuality Collective, Dougie (Poof on Scooter), Couple “They’re all happy”, “I love it”, Looks terrific”, Not at all upset driver, Ian Gillies, Construction worker doesn’t like it.

Collage 4 of 5 (March) (6:22) (128kps stereo mp3, 7mb) In order: Sydney visitor, Construction worker “Not biased, Scared construction workers, Constructive comments, Fairy shopper, Troy Anthony Bayliss, “I like people”, Stonewalling cyclist, “All the stereotypes”, “A good thing”, Long Yang Club (Anglo/Asian couples social group) members, “Having a ball”, Deb Murphy.

Collage 5 of 5 (Fair) (7:25) (128kps stereo mp3, 8mb) In order: Gordon Buick, Ian (community photographer), David Hanifin, Colin Norris, Jeff Cheverton, Tamara Tonite.  


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William Yang by John Frame at Brisbane Powerhouse 14 th Oct 2010

(Photo of William Yang by John Frame at Brisbane Powerhouse, 14th October 2010)

William Yang re the film version of his performance piece “Sadness”

By John Frame 4th August 1999 at the Hilton Hotel, Brisbane for Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm. William Yang is a gay Australian Chinese, who was born and spent his childhood in far north Queensland before moving with the family to Brisbane. He’s been a happy Sydney resident for four decades, but was in Brisbane again on this occasion as a guest of the Brisbane International Film Festival (BIFF) for the Australian premiere of “Sadness” - the Tony Ayres film version of William’s first touring “monologue with slides” stage performance. “Sadness” screened at the State Library of Queensland on the previous evening and went on to deservedly win the Audience Award at this festival.

A PAL format DVD of “Sadness” is available to order ($25 if for home use) from the Film Australia Collection at the National Film and Sound Archives – they also have a link on that page to a pdf file of study notes. 

In June 2013 the second completed film based on William Yang’s performances, “My Generation” (directed by Martin Fox), was premiered at the Sydney Film Festival, and aired nationally on ABC1 TV. The University Of New South Wales is working with William to record and produce a complete series, and you can view a wonderful 5 minute video interview with him on the making of “My Generation” via http://tv.unsw.edu.au/video/william-yang-creating-my-generation

William Yang’s own website seems to no longer be online, however his prints continue to be available through selected art dealers.

In our interview William speaks in detail regarding his life and his art. The topics covered in the 35 minute recording are:

(00:00 to 07:37): “Sadness” the performance; relatives; work; his late friend Allan

(07:38 to 12:13): Advantages of the video format and of the live performance

(12:14 to 19:40): Receiving an Honourary Doctorate; documenting life; celebrity; Asian Lesbian & Gay Pride

(19:41 to 23:57): Sexual identity

(23:58 to 29:11): The Outrage Magazine page; future projects; the family

(29:12 to 35:30): Work environment; HIV; the relevance of sadness

Intro and outro music is from “Canton” by Japan (featuring the late great Mick Karn on bass).    

 (128kps mono, 33mb. Recorded in William’s Hilton Hotel suite using a Sony MZR50 Minidisc with very good quality AKG and Sennheiser headset microphones). 

download mp3 audio William Yang 4th August 1999 (33 minutes, 128kps mono mp3, 33mb)

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Louise Brehmer re the stageplay of John Birmingham’s “He Died With A Felafel In His Hand”

By John Frame 21st November 1999 at the La Boite Theatre, Brisbane for Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm.

John Birmingham's "He Died With A Felafel In His Hand" was a great little novel about alternative lifestyles in Brisbane in the 1970's. I interviewed Louise Brehmer as one of the actors in the "Someone" production of the stageplay version at La Boite Theatre - which was hilarious and highly entertaining (with Paul Denny as JB). Louise tells us that the feature film version was being shot around Brisbane at that same time – but it’s a pity the film turned out to be so bland in comparison. Louise does some fine voice acting in the opening and closing of this 10 minute piece, recreating one of her roles from the play as the 4ZZZ presenter of an early version of the Queer Radio program. (128kps stereo, 10mb, recorded using a Sony ECMM907 mic to Sony MZR50 MiniDisc). 

download mp3 audio Louise Brehmer 21st November 1999 (10 minutes, 128kps stereo mp3, 10mb)

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The_Three_Marys_CD_cover (154K)


The Three Marys (Mary Jo Paranzino, Mary Abt, Jon Arterton) – were interviewed by John Frame by phone (speakerphone at their end) from Provincetown, Massachusetts on 30th August 2001. Hear the 40 minute special which aired on Queer Radio that week, and read John’s review of their album which was published by our local LGBT street press Queensland Pride Magazine:

Review: CD "The Three Marys" (self titled) By John Frame 12th January 2002 for Queensland Pride Magazine’s "Sound Out" column

The Three Marys http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/3marys

CD: The Three Marys (2001, USA, independent release)

"I had to move to Provincetown to find out Mary was a boy’s name" says Mary Jo Paranzino. She moved 5 years ago to Provincetown, Massachusetts with her life partner Mary Abt, because of its reputation as home to a highly creative artistic and literary community which embraces diversity.

The two Marys run an accommodation and travel agency during the week and most Sundays they perform with the third Mary, local handyman Jon Arterton at the historic Universalist Meeting Place.

The two Marys were with lesbian vocal group Destiny and Jon was a founding member of highly acclaimed The Flirtations. Their music is "accapella with piano" and this live recorded self-titled CD captures their sheer enthusiasm for the power of singing. They run regular vocal workshops encouraging others to find their own voice and to be proud of using it.

Their songs encourage political and personal awareness, celebrate gay & lesbian sexuality, and call for freedom of expression. One of three superb originals, "Homophobic Blues" is the stand out. Far from being blue, it’s a tasty tango dedicated by Mary Jo to her homophobic brother Anthony. When performed live, Mary Jo tells how he was the only member of her family who refused to accept her as an honest and loving person. "Provincetown" is in praise of their home, where many gay men and lesbians on holiday walk unselfconsciously hand in hand down the street with their partner – feeling with absolute certainty for the first time in their lives, that they are totally OK just as they are.

download mp3 audio The Three Marys Special: interview 30th August 2001 + songs from the CD (40 minutes, 128kps stereo mp3, 38mb)

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Nikki Madden Next of Skin CD cover (20K)

Nikki Madden – songwriter, recording artist and performer from the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales by phone on 12th December 2001 by John Frame for Queer Radio. Nikki had just independently released her CD album “Next Of Skin”, a love song dedicated to her partner of 20 years. That’s the song she discusses in this 4 minute interview – and as a celebration of monogamy, it is just as vital today as an anthem in support of marriage equality. I include below a transcript of our interview.

In 2012 Nikki released a new version of “Next Of Skin” on her 4 track CD ep “Old Chook Music”. I’m very pleased to find that Nikki’s site http://www.nikkimadden.com.au/ includes the following quote: “The song 'Next Of Skin' has received broad acceptance and support. It’s an up-tempo piece with a catchy hook that’s indicative of the politically aware, yet life affirming nature of the rest of her songs. She has a uniquely intimate style of vocal that is very easy on the ear, just like her spoken voice. John Frame 4ZZZ”. You can buy Nikki’s CDs through that site. Watch two performances by Nikki from the March 2010 Blue Mountains Festival via her YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/nextofskin


  JF: Nikki Madden you have a brand new album out and, being a woman, I expect that your music might be focused towards women?

  NM: Golly – my life is full of all sorts of people I must say. It’s very much from a woman’s point of view – it can’t be helped, it’s the only point of view I can manage. My partner and I suffer the difficulty of her being similar in gender to me, and we’ve been together for a real long time and done all the legitimate things that couples do and yet we find ourselves in a position where somehow our relationship legally is considered inferior.

  JF: In the movie “Jeffrey” the suggestion is made that all you need to do is get a relationship – that having a relationship, someone to specifically love helps you focus your life. Did you find that worked for you?

  NM: We’re both people who relate to other people easily and happily as social creatures and there are people who like to live in a kind of isolation whom I can understand totally. I’m not one of them. My partner and I are probably more effective social units, if you like. Goodness me – having to quantify ourselves as to how effective we are socially seems to be the order of the day right now. It’s possible soon that we might even be able to put a dollar value on how valuable we are to the people around us as a mutually supportive couple.

  JF: Is that what the title track of the CD “Next Of Skin” covers though?

  NM: It’s probably best that I talk about music, and “Next Of Skin” is 90% love song and 10% voter disaffection. I wrote “Next Of Skin” to celebrate my partner of 20 years, in the same way as any lover celebrates their lover – and I was compelled I guess, by the fact that I’m classified as a folk singer, and that I’m compelled to put in my love songs some sort of comment about how, despite the fact that we feel 1000% legitimacy in the way we relate to each other, that our relationship is somehow legally inferior. So I’ve kept the language in the song in the territory of soft-core salaciousness - so as to make a serious social justice issue exude some genuine humanity.

  So I’m absolutely totally selfless from the point of view of a songwriter that I feel really pleased because – gee, I’m pretty old, my partner and I have raised a whole bunch of kids who pay more tax than we do now, which we figure by any measure has to be a successful contribution as a couple to the fabric of society. None the less, we still find ourselves in this position of illegitimacy.

  It’s a love song and it’s also about monogamy – mmm  MONOGAMY. It’s a choice – monogamy’s a choice, and it’s much underrated in terms of the language of the poets. Often times an adventurous romantic life can be made out to be just that – romantic – and monogamy is often made out to be unromantic. So “Next Of Skin” is very much in praise of the joys of monogamy.

  JF: I like the fact that there’s my friend Frank, who lives in northern New South Wales, and he self-describes as a “serial monogamist” – it certainly works for him, he needs someone that he loves and trusts in his bed.

  NM: I really like love. I love romance and love - I think it works wonders. It does for me. I’m only one of 6 billion, but it does for me.


download mp3 audio Nikki Madden interview 12th December 2001 + song “Next Of Skin” (8 minutes, 192kps stereo mp3, 11mb)

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Ji Wallace CD art re 27 April 2005 interview(252K)

Ji Wallace Australian Olympian Silver Medallist in the Gymnastics discipline of Trampoline in Sydney in 2000. Interviewed by John Frame by phone from Adelaide for both Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm and This Way Out in Los Angeles. In the previous week Australia’s mainstream media widely reported that “Jumping Ji” Wallace had decided to tell the general public about his identity as a gay man – and his intention to continue to compete. Ji tells us that he had been out to his family and friends for many years, but that it was a friend who worked with the gay street press “Melbourne Community Voice” who suggested to him that his story would be a positive boon to support other athletes in accepting their sexuality through honesty, as a move to enhance their well being and performance. He is great fun to chat with and highly inspiring for any listener -  whether or not they are athletes (or gay). 

In 1996 Ji was World Champion in the Double Mini-trampoline and shares his story as a young man obsessed with jumping. In 2005 Ji fully intended to train with the aim of representing Australia in Bejing 2008, but he did not make the team and instead travelled to work with Cirque de Soleil.

In August 2012 Ji made smaller but no less significant national mainstream media headlines by revealing that, like the USA’s Greg Louganis, he was now living with HIV. The Sydney Star Observer reported on 8th August 2012 regarding a letter they had received from Ji, in which he wrote: “I have been contemplating writing this for a while. I caught a CNN Piers Morgan interview with Greg Louganis here in London. It made me think and think and I couldn’t sleep, so I wrote. I felt inspired to write. I too am an Olympic medal winner living with HIV.  I have never publicly disclosed this before but felt inspired by [the] interview… and by Anderson Cooper’s ‘coming out’ letter last month describing ‘value in being seen and heard’ in the face of disturbing violence, bullying, persecution and condemnation by peers, colleagues, government officials and worst of all family and friends. I too have been that victim of these atrocious behaviours. Luckily I managed to come through.”

It is vital for the knowledge to be out there that being gay or being HIV+ does not stop athletes from being able to perform skillfully, strongly and safely – and they should be able to do so, free from any discrimination or harassment..    

download mp3 audio Ji Wallace interview 27th April 2005 (13 minutes, 96kps mono mp3, 7mb)

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C Jay Cox with poster art for LatterDays (119K)

C. Jay Cox USA writer, director and songwriter for the feature film “Latter Days” (through TLA Releasing) interviewed by phone from Los Angeles on 2nd December 2004 (using a Sony pick-up and Altec-Lansing headset to MiniDisc). Latter Days follows the emerging romance between two young men who meet in Los Angeles and virtually fall in love at first sight, but need to reconcile some big issues. Aaron is a devout Mormon missionary from a small country town on his first mission (and residing with three very straight peers) and Christian is a freelance hedonist who undervalues the connection between love and sex. This beautifully filmed, carefully scripted and brilliantly acted film does a power of good by providing superb cinema entertainment and allowing the audience to experience both empathy and empowerment. I spoke with C Jay in connection with the late January Australian release of the DVD, and the cinema screening at Melbourne’s Midsumma Festival (as a fundraiser for JOYfm). I had watched the preview USA DVD with the commentary track, and most of what we discuss is quite different to what you will hear from the commentary on the DVD (and now also available on Blu-ray – see my recommendation further below)        

“Latter Days” deservedly  won the Audience Awards at the Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Toronto gay and lesbian film festivals. It was the highest grossing gay film of 2004.

Topics discussed include (in order): Los Angeles; the film’s success; Mormons in cinema; being honest; directorial satisfaction; lead actors; acting convincingly; taking responsibility for roles; the two lead characters; broadly applying to religion-reinforced rejection of same sex attraction; supporting closeted gay viewers to embrace sexuality and spirituality; love in its many forms is godly; suicide as a result of entrenched religious oppression is not a way to achieve positive change; Jacqueline Bisset; gay supportive media – especially Armistead Maupin’s “Tales Of the City”; making your life better through positivism.

So which version should you buy on disc? Be aware that the Australian release of the DVD through “Beyond Home Entertainment” does not include the commentary track. I recommend ordering either the original TLA Releasing USA version of the DVD or the superior looking and sounding Blu-ray edition which was released by TLA in the USA in early 2012. “Latter Days” was actually filmed as HD Video using professional Canon cameras and the Blu-ray edition perfectly reproduces the original recording quality. The Blu-ray is in 1920x1080 24p with a choice of DTS HD Master 5.1 or DTS HD Master stereo audio for the feature (Dolby 2.0 for the commentary) and includes (in DVD definition) all of the bonus features that were on the USA DVD which are: 3 music videos, deleted scenes, “Behind The Scenes” featurette, “Reason Thirteen” short film by C Jay Cox, subtitles, and the commentary track by C Jay Cox and the lead actors Wes Ramsay and Steve Sandvoss.   

download mp3 audio C Jay Cox interview special (mixed with film excerpts) 2nd December 2004 (35 minutes, 192kps stereo mp3, 48mb)

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Sid Bromley Jazz Show 4ZZZ_28June1999_1of2 playlistSid Bromley Jazz Show 4ZZZ_28June1999_2of2 playlist

Sid Bromley (1920 – 2004) Brisbane’s acclaimed and much loved veteran Jazz Music aficionado was a long time presenter on 4ZZZfm. For several years the Jazz Show followed immediately after Queer Radio. Sid alternated presenting the show with Rod Ferguson (who was sometimes relieved by son Guy). Sid was always accompanied by his lovely and loving partner Dot. In the 90’s and early 00’s, the other announcers at 4ZZZfm were very generous in supporting public awareness of LGBTI rights issues for “Stonewall Day” by allowing 12 continuous hours of queer friendly programming. Some announcers chose to let the Queer Radio and Dykes On Mykes announcers present in their stead, and other announcers chose to present their own queer positive show. Sid did a wonderful job with his 2 hour show on Stonewall Day 28th June 1999 – devoting the first hour to queer friendly material, and playing a wonderful selection of fine music in the second hour.

Sid always brought along scripted notes for his commentaries (and, very sensibly, a spare light bulb to read them with) - and those comments were as valuable as the music itself. It is lovely to hear and to share his voice.

Sid passed away on 11th March 2004, aged 83 – there is a wonderful tribute to Sid by his close friend and jazz compatriot Bill Haesler at:  http://ml.islandnet.com/pipermail/dixielandjazz/2004-March/018532.html 

download mp3 audio Sid Bromley presents the 4ZZZ Jazz Show 28th June 1999 pt 1 of 2 (1 hour, 128kps mono mp3, 55mb)

download mp3 audio Sid Bromley presents the 4ZZZ Jazz Show 28th June 1999 pt 2 of 2 (1 hour, 128kps mono mp3, 55mb)

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Steve Cohen CD cover for Silent Too Long (25K)

Steve Cohen singer, songwriter and keyboard artist was interviewed by phone from Philadelphia, PA, USA, in 1997 by John Frame for Queer Radio. Steve had just released his debut independent release CD album “Silent Too Long” – which is a genuine stand out in music by LGBT artists for lyrical crafting and quality of both musicianship and production. In 2000 Steve released an excellent sophomore album in “I Must Have Been Crazy” (later re-issued with a new cover as “Crazy”). Steve continues to compose and self-produce music. His recordings as “Steve Cohen” and more recently as “Elton Costello” are available from www.cdbaby.com .

Topics discussed include (in order): being an “out’ musician and writing from that perspective; how his music is received by an audience; being raised Jewish and coming out to his family; seeing yourself reflected in gay culture; getting over past habits – like avoiding eye contact with people you’re attracted to; stepping lyrically into his father’s shoes (“I’ve tried”); emotionally engaging  as well as uplifting music; body image (“ Want To be A Jock”); the Outmusic peer support performance and networking group; on personal awareness and honesty regarding sexuality; being taken seriously as a songwriter and musician; growing up in Philadelphia as a gay man (or any minority); Government attitudes to gayness and its effect on well being and health; my well-deserved praise for Steve’s music.  

Steve Cohen’s independent release albums “Silent Too Long” (1997) and “Crazy” (2000) are available in CD or mp3 format via:  http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/SteveCohen

download mp3 audio Steve Cohen 1997 (18 minutes, 128kps mono mp3, 18mb)

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Photos of Julian Clary at QPAC Brisbane March 1998 by John Frame and Kym McGowan

Julian Clary “the renowned homosexual” performance artist, comedian, TV celebrity, actor and author, has been interviewed twice by John Frame for Queer Radio – in 1998 and 2004. Julian is an absolute joy to chat with, and he is continuing to tour, write and be generally media active. His highly recommendable autobiography “A Young Man’s Passage” is thoroughly engaging, hilarious and heart rending.

12th March 1998: by phone from Adelaide, Australia. Topics: Adelaide; hosting the nationally telecast ABC TV coverage of the 1995 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade; “labels”; gay parenting; the nitty gritty of gay sex; as a positive role model and empowered individual; on a “heterosexual” Mardi Gras?; the Jean Genet play “Splendids”; film “Carry On Columbus”; on the exploitative nature of pornography; the one man show, Hugh Jelly gets fit and happy; Russell Churney; late partner Christopher – love as the meaning of life; features of this show; Fanny the Wonder Dog staggers on at age 18; Julian’s withdrawal problems.

10th March 2004: by phone to Julian on his mobile at Sydney airport. Topics: Changes in treatment of queer men and women?; being very publicly recognised and accepted; “Rove Live”; performing as Leigh Bowery in play “Taboo”; Julian’s towering presence; Julian’s celebrity dog Valerie and cat Gloria; gay marriage; Queensland’s Sodomy Law; 4 years doing panto in “Cinderella”; Julian’s breakfast radio show; writing “A Young Man’s Passage”; the “Natural Born Mincer” tour; love makes sex increasingly special.;      

Julian Clary’s official website:  http://julianclary.co.uk/index.html

download mp3 audio Julian Clary 12th March 1998 (20 minutes, 128kps mono mp3, 18mb)

download mp3 audio Julian Clary 10th March 2004 (13 minutes, 192kps stereo mp3, 18mb)


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Christine Johnston artwork and postcard re Decent Spinster show

Christine Johnston interview recorded 20th May 2003 by John Frame under the fig trees by the Brisbane River in New Farm Park – in stereo using Sony ECMM907 mic to Sony MZR50 MiniDisc. Christine is talking about her “Decent Spinster” show (part of the Brisbane Lesbian and Gay Pride festival), in which she presents a character who clearly inspired “Eve” for her long running success with The Kransky Sisters.

Christine is a warm and wonderful person to chat with. We discuss especially her stage character, her love the musical saw, and her love of birds (as an accomplished mimic of their calls – with a spectacular finale to this interview). I love the ambience of this stereo recording – including the birds, the ferry and the people in the park. “Decent Spinster” was a wonderful show. Christine continues to perform regularly with the Kransky Sisters, as well in shows designed especially to entertain and engage children.

Christine Johnston’s official website: http://www.christinejohnston.com/

download mp3 audio Christine Johnson 20th May 2003 (10 minutes, 192kps stereo mp3, 14mb)

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Kransky Sisters artwork and promotional text for their Baggage tour


The Kransky Sisters interview recorded 7th November 2005 by John Frame via phone – with Mourne and Eve Kransky using a speakerphone at the Queensland Performing Arts Complex (and the naturally reserved Arva playing tuba quietly in the background) promoting their “Baggage” tour..

As per the text above, cut and pasted from the QPAC site, the Kransky Sisters are the most famous creative artists to emerge from Esk in rural South East Queensland. They are highly talented and gifted musicians and much loved entertainers, with a truly unique view of the world. 

Topics discussed include (in order): playing at the Playhouse; why Arva lives in the “humpy” rather than the house; would marriage affect their household?; Perry Slice - local abbatoir worker; people have their favourite Kransky; how they might record an album; a potential DVD release; international engagements; “it’s good to be happy”; new music in “Baggage”; at one with the audience; about Arva’s reticence to talk; the big surprise; merchandising and farewell.

Closing music: The Kransky Sisters live performing “Sexual Healing”.

Kransky Sisters official website: http://www.kranskysisters.com/

download mp3 audio Kransky Sisters 7th November 2005 (10minutes, 128kps mono mp3, 10mb)

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Cover for the Robbie McEwen autobiography - One Way Road with link to Fishpond site for purchase In October 2011 Robbie launched his autobiography “One Way Road” (published by Ebury, Australia 3rd October 2011).

Robbie McEwen interview recorded 27th October 1999 by John Frame via phone from Robbie’s parents’ home on the Gold Coast. In July 1999 Robbie had won his first stage of the Tour de France - on the final day, and in spectacular fashion, on the Champs Elysees. In this same year he was named Australian Male Road Cyclist of the Year. Robbie would go on to win the Green Jersey three times in the Tour de France and is loved and respected as true world star in the sport. He is noted for his playful friendliness, his courage, his aggressive and fearless style, and especially for his whirlwind sprint. Robbie has announced that 2011/2012 will be his last season of professional racing. He lives in Belgium with his wife Angelique and their three children.

I had contacted Robbie’s manager asking for permission to record an interview while he was home for a holiday and to race in a criterium at South Bank. My personal interest was that I was an avid recreational cyclist with a long term interest in professional racing (I had trained properly, but only ever raced once) – and that Robbie was a local boy who had earned international success in the world’s toughest sport. The manager told me that Robbie was a bit curious as to why the Queer Radio program would want to speak with him, since he’s not gay (and in fact was about to be married) – but that he was happy to talk with me nonetheless. I expected that Robbie would give honest answers around the issue of cycling being known as a very demanding and somewhat macho sport – in order to counter the attitude which persists among those sad jerks who think that shaved legs and lycra equate to weakness.

In 1999 there were no openly gay cyclists in the international sport, and I asked Robbie if he knew of any and, if so, whether he thought that openness about homosexuality would make a difference to how that rider was treated by others. Robbie said that it was common knowledge that a couple of the women professional cyclists were lesbian, and that they were accepted as such. He didn’t know of any of the men being privately or openly gay. Robbie suggested that any who were might be well advised to keep it as an issue within their own Team – that there was nothing to gain in letting the whole peloton know.

As for whether professional cycling could be considered a sport for wusses, Robbie said he’d like any detractor to know exactly what his legs feel like as he’s racing hard. Robbie was totally cool, calm, collected and friendly in our interview. Since then my heart has skipped extra beats of pride every time he has won a stage or Green Jersey in the Tour. I hope that Robbie enjoys a wonderful life with his family in his well earned retirement from the very big league of professional racing.

download mp3 audio Robbie McEwen 27th October 1999 re professional cycling (14minutes, 128kps stereo mp3, 14mb)

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Homo Handbook cover (7K)

Judy Carter author of “The Homo Handbook: Getting in Touch with Your Inner Homo: A Survival Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men” (1996 Lambda Literary Award Best Humor Book) (Paperback) (Fireside, New York, 1996). I spoke with Judy on 21st October 1999 by phone from her home in Venice, California, USA.

I bought this book from Trish Weston’s “Red Books” in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley in 1999, and I know that there are many good reasons to buy and enjoy the "Homo Handbook" - regardless of whether you're prepared to follow the gradual steps suggested or prefer to quickly come out to your folks and flatmates by just leaving it on the coffee table.

Judy Carter has been a stand-up comic performer and lecturer by trade, so she knows what works in humour and entertainment. She is proudly lesbian, but writes in a manner which is also very gay male relevant, and that's because she did extensive online research in gay men's chat rooms, especially for this publication. You'll find plenty of sound advice - including encouragement to keep a journal of your progression toward self-acceptance and public disclosure as well as getting some real-life honest-to-god romantic action happening in your life.

The many Gerard Donelan cartoons are a wonderful added bonus and are the reason I often pick the book up and flick through it. The best book, by far, for a young queer person to own and read would be "The Survival Guide" by XY Magazine, but for more mature readers "The Homo Handbook" is likely to be a very positive, highly entertaining and useful resource.

Topics discussed in our interview include: comedy; identity; coming out to love; Rock Hudson; “outing”; “gaydar”; Donellan; bigotry; acceptance; dialogue; the “happy homo”

download mp3 audio Judy Carter 21st October 1999 (36 minutes, 64kps mono, 17mb)

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Relationships Australia logo (3K)

Sherry Wright, an experienced relationships counsellor with Relationships Australia, interviewed by John Frame at their Spring Hill, Brisbane premises on 13th March 2001. Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. They aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. They are a community-based, not-for-profit Australian organisation with no religious affiliations. Their services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances.

I expect that very similar LGBT inclusive relationships counselling services are available in other countries.

In this 3 part interview (a total 40 minutes) we hear Sherry discuss a range of topics which affect us in our relationships, including:

download mp3 audio Part 1 of 3: (14 minutes, 128kps stereo 14mb): issues affecting same sex couples; mediation; other Relationships Australia services

download mp3 audio Part 2 of 3: (11 minutes, 128kps stereo, 11mb): problem solving; the power struggle; acceptance as individuals

download mp3 audio Part 3 of 3: (13 minutes, 128kps stereo, 13mb): the relevance of sex; the importance of self-reliance (perhaps being alone, but not lonely)

NB: Each part is introduced using an appropriate excerpt from one of my favourite films, “The Opposite Of Sex” (written and directed by Don Roos). These 3 parts were aired in March 2001 on the Queer Radio program on 4ZZZfm, and were repeated in January 2003.

Send feedback regarding this interview.


cover art for John Moriarty's 2001 memoir Liquid Lover (15K)

Hear John Frame’s interview with John Moriarty author of Liquid Lover recorded by phone on 26th October 2001, from Kansas City, Missouri, USA.


Liquid Lover was published as a paperback in 2001 by world renowned USA lesbian & gay publishers Alyson Publications and is described accurately on the cover as "a memoir of addiction, recovery and hope”. It is now also available as an e-book. John Moriarty continues to celebrate his sobriety and works to help others find that same peace.


Liquid Lover is a bare-knuckles recounting of how John came to achieve sobriety after 27 years of alcohol addiction. He holds nothing back: from his first alcohol experience at age 10 and rape by an older boy at 11, to discussion of his alcohol-ruined relationships in adult life. Liquid Lover celebrates the three years so far of his recovery and offers great hope to others who can benefit from reading an honest success story. John talks about his process of recovery – what worked for him and what didn’t. He doesn’t offer an instant cure, but rather the assurance that the addict can choose to accept help - when they are ready.


Not at all preachy, with a unique style and very entertaining – and highly recommended. I gave my promotional copy to my GP’s Stonewall Medical Centre as a resource for their “GLADS” (gay and lesbian alcohol and drug support) peer group (which was instrumental in keeping me clean and sober since January 1994). I bought my own copy, which I apparently permanently loaned out to a friend. So I am happy to find that a tenth anniversary “eBook” version has been released in 2011 available from amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. I was also lucky to find a good second hand print copy.


You are welcome to choose from two versions of my interview – the dialogue only (18 minutes) or the 23 minute special which aired on Queer Radio in November 2001 (which includes 3 songs : Maddy Prior “Another Drink”, Dead Kennedys “Too Drunk To Fuck” and Doris Day “Stepping Out With My Baby”)   

Hear the 18 minute intervew:

download mp3 audioJohn Moriarty 26th October 2001 (18 minutes, 128kps stereo, 18mb mp3)

Hear the 23 minute special:

download mp3 audioJohn Moriarty 26th October 2001 with *music (23 minutes, 128kps stereo, 22mb mp3)

·          “Another Drink” (Maddy Prior, 1978 Chrysalis Records LP “Changing Winds”), “Too Drunk To Fuck” (Dead Kennedys, Alternative Tentacles CD “Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death”), “Stepping Out With My Baby” (Doris Day, Columbia CD “Bright And Shiny”).

Send feedback regarding this John Moriarty interview 26th October 2001


David Brown www.davidbrownmusic.com, New York songwriter, vocalist and musician chatting with John Frame (www.queerradio.org) in Brisbane, Australia - via Skype video - regarding David's newly released 4th independent CD album "This Is My House".

David is defiantly and spiritedly gay and his musical and vocal style is distinctly original. All his albums have been highly entertaining, empowering and beautifully produced - and this could well be his best. In this half hour we talk about most of the tracks (including the "super gay anthem" "Nothing Taboo"), and more besides. Whether you're or not you're already a fan, you will gain an insight into David's persona and music, and you will be able to buy the “This Is My House” album as either a CD or mp3 download from cdbaby.com (or Amazon etc) with total confidence. This is my third interview with David, but the first for both of us using Skype - and it was recorded via Supertintin software. There are only a few glitches in the video, and a minute or two where I’m out slightly of focus (a blessing for some!) – but I’m very happy with how this turned out. If you like it please send feedback.

download mp3 audioDavid Brown interview 16th November 2011 (31 minutes, 80kps mono, 18mb mp3)

Or Watch the video (recorded via Skype and SuperTintin software):



Robert Urban 2003 Queer Radio special artwork

Hear John Frame’s interview with Robert Urban recorded 28th June 2003 by phone from New York City, combined with the music from his 2003 independent release CD album “Rock Widow” as a special which aired on the Queer Radio program (4ZZZfm Brisbane) in 2 parts, on 9th and 16th July 2003.

Songs included, in order: “Compulsion”, “The Cage”, “You Don’t Wanna Know”, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, “Waiting For Rome To Burn”, “Ode To Central Park”, “No Love In Sight” and “Deserted Cities Of The Heart”.

Robert Urban is an energetic, empowered, broadly informed, talented and very well practised guitar exponent, trained operatic tenor, keyboard artist, composer, songwriter, music teacher, producer (as Urban Productions) and journalist (for www.afterelton.com ). He’s also a devoted community activist. Read his bio, hear audio samples and watch some YouTube video of his performances via Robert’s website www.roberturban.com   

Rock Widow was his fourth, and remains his most recent CD album. All four CDs are available for online purchase from independent music specialist CDbaby:  http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RobertUrban . Rock Widow is proof positive of Robert’s skills as both a musician and producer, and is guaranteed to give your HiFi system a damn good work out.

Robert Urban supervises the Gay Guitarists Worldwide Yahoo Group: “the world's leading international internet networking group for gay - lesbian - bi - transgender electric & acoustic guitarists, glbt bassists and glbt players of all akin stringed instruments. GLBT - friendly players & fans are also welcome.”

Hear the complete 70 minute special:

download mp3 audioRobert Urban special including interview 28th June 2003 (70 minutes, 128kps stereo, 65mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Robert Urban interview 28th June 2003



David Graham at New Farm Park 1st Dec 2006 photo by JOhn Frame (106K)

Hear John Frame’s interview with David Graham (“Farmer Dave”) recorded 1st December 2006, by the Brisbane River in New Farm Park (see my photo above).

David became a national celebrity in 2006, aged 27, as an openly gay contestant on Australian Big Brother – resident for 99 days and coming within a whisker of winning, mostly due to his honesty and warm, compassionate personality. He’s a born and raised passionate, well educated and dedicated farmer from the Goondiwindi region in South-East Queensland. David made full use of the Big Brother profile to actively highlight issues such as the impact of depression and suicide on rural men in particular, and also gay hate violence. In early 2006 in Brisbane’s gay ghetto Fortitude Valley, David was savagely bashed and left for dead by a gang who had committed a series of cowardly ambush attacks on lone gay men.

In a late 2006 bio on his website David wrote:”Truth is, I was bashed by a hate-filled gang earlier in the year and left for dead. As well as having a lifetime of self denial due to societal conformity, atop a fear that too many Australians had a negative view of those who didn’t ‘fit in’. So I had waited long enough for someone to show Australia that it isn’t necessary to ‘fit in’, that living your own life happily is what is truly important. I left my happiness to share it with Australia by way of a show that takes the lives of a select few into the homes of millions.”

David emerged from Big Brother to learn that the farm was crippled with drought, his house had been burgled, and that his favourite dog had died. He concludes his bio by writing: “The fact is, however, I’ve met thousands of people whose lives I was able to touch and dozens who say I made theirs liveable, and that was beyond my expectation and far outweighs the pain of being separated from my happiness here on the farm with Sherif and my family.”

Since then David has aggressively and creatively pursued marketing opportunities to keep his farm viable – and has engaged in celebrity programs such as “Dancing With The Stars”. He donated the prize from winning a celebrity quiz show to help fund the “Long Reach For Outreach” project by Brisbane Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays – which distributed comprehensive information packs to all schools and community health centres in Queensland.

On the day of our interview, 1st December 2006, David Graham was in Brisbane as a guest of the Queensland Association for Healthy Communities, to host the World AIDS Day event in Queens Park later that evening.    

David Graham is the worthy subject of an “Australian Story half hour documentary feature which airs on ABC1 TV on Monday 18th October 2010 at 8pm. 

Topics discussed in our interview: Openly gay celebrities / myths and stereotypes / happy being gay / value of drying and talking / gay telephone counselling / seeking help / family / beauty / Big Brother.

Hear the interview:

download mp3 audioDavid Graham 1st December 2006 (26 minutes, 128kps stereo, 26mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this David Graham interview 1st December 2006



photo of Peter Tatchell with link to his website

Hear John Frame’s interview with Peter Tatchell recorded 28th August 2001, by phone from London.

Australian born British queer activist Peter Tatchell, of non-violent direct action group OUTRAGE talks about his upcoming trip to Brisbane in October 2001 where he proposed the arrest of visiting Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe. Peter also talks about the importance of seeing the Queer Agenda as encompassing all human rights issues – and about coping with the hostile repercussions of his open activism.

Topics discussed:

Part 1 (12m 11s): The British Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting (CHOGM) as an opportunity to highlight Mugabe’s abuse of power / Mugabe’s use of gay-hate to deflect attention away from more serious political and human rights concerns in Zimbabwe / Peter’s role in Zimbabwe’s fight for freedom from white minority rule and Mugabe’s turnaround since he gained power / The Mugabe regime’s abuse of rights – extending well beyond gay-hate / What is Mugabe so afraid of with regard to homosexuality? / The anti-gay laws in most British Commonwealth nations are a direct legacy of past British rule.

Part 2 (10m 49s):  Why Australia has a moral and legal obligation to arrest Mugabe / How Peter copes with the repercussions of his direct actions / The March 2001 attempted arrest of Mugabe in Brussels and its resultant benefits / Peter suggests that the Queer Agenda should include all human rights issues.

Peter Tatchell’s official website: www.petertatchell.net

Hear the interview:

download mp3 audioPart 1 of 2: Peter Tatchell  28th August 2001 (12 minutes, 96kps stereo, 8.5mb mp3)

download mp3 audioPart 2 of 2: Peter Tatchell  28th August 2001 (11minutes, 96kps stereo, 7.6mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Peter Tatchell interview 28th August 2001



group photo
of Toowoomba region youth at equality rally Brisbane 13th Feb '05 with link to high resolution version

Hear John Frame’s voxpop recordings from the “Love-In For Love Equality” picnic rally on a perfect Saturday afternoon, 13th February 2005, at New Farm Park, Brisbane. The event was to raise awareness of the need for Equal Age Of Consent law reform in Queensland – to allow equal protection and support under the law for all youth at 16. The current law makes anal intercourse (“sodomy”) a severe criminal activity until 18 years of age.

The rally was attended by local community groups and individuals as well as by a busload of outspoken and proud youth from the Toowoomba region. I spoke with youth and other men and women about the need for an equal age of consent:

download mp3 audioPaul Martin, General Manager Qld AIDS Council (3minutes, 128pks stereo, 3mb mp3)

download mp3 audioLeah Coonan, University of Queensland Sexuality Collective (4minutes, 128pks stereo, 4mb mp3)

download mp3 audioShelley Argent, Maxine and Merryl from Brisbane Parents & Friends of Lesbians And Gays (4minutes, 128pks stereo, 4mb mp3)

download mp3 audioJoel of the Silver Wheat Society social group, Toowoomba (2minutes, 128pks stereo, 2mb mp3)

download mp3 audioJosh of the Silver Wheat Society social group, Toowoomba (3minutes, 128pks stereo, 3mb mp3)

download mp3 audioScotty of Open Doors (LGBT) Youth Service, Brisbane (3minutes, 128pks stereo, 3mb mp3)

download mp3 audioDonna of University of Southern Queensland “USQ-Plus” LGBT support group (5minutes, 128pks stereo, 5mb mp3)

download mp3 audioGede of the Silver Wheat Society social group, Toowoomba (5minutes, 128pks stereo, 5mb mp3)

download mp3 audioJulian of Open Doors (LGBT) Youth Service, Brisbane (6minutes, 128pks stereo, 6mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding these Love-In For Love Equality voxpops



Stan Ridgway at Brisbane Tavern 23rd February 1997, photo by John Frame

Stan Ridgway at Brisbane Tavern 23rd February 1997, about to send his manager, Jackie "Teak" Lazar, off crowd-surfing. Jackie eventually returned safely, but without his pants. (Photo by John Frame)


3 interviews (1996, 1997 and 2002) recorded by John Frame with the USA’s duly acclaimed singer/songwriter Stan Ridgway,

Plus a chat with 3 musicians in his ’97 touring band – drummer Joe Berardi, guitarist Marc Ribot and bassist David Sutton:

(1) A luxury length – 35 minute – relaxed chat with Stan Ridgway recorded 20th September 1996 by phone from Sydney (recorded in the 4ZZZ Newsbooth). Stan was in Australia to promote his new album Black Diamond and to finalise a local distribution deal for the Birdcage label with TWA Records. This was before my experience of the internet, but Stan was already well established in the media and aware of its capacity for disseminating disinformation. We don’t quite talk about “life, the universe and everything”, but we go close – and it’s all good:

   download mp3 audio Stan Ridgway 20th September 1996 phone interview (35 minutes, 96kps mono, 24mb mp3)

(2) A face to face interview with Stan Ridgway recorded 23rd February 1997 in the Brisbane Tavern after the show (see the photo above and more links to photos further below) (Recorded using a mono Sennheiser MKE40 mic to a Sony Walkman cassette).  I was not surpised to find that Stan Ridgway is just as personable in person. He talks about the difficulty in getting record company sponsorship to come here (since Australia is only 3% of the global music market) / starting his own label / the “Film Songs” Australian Tour e.p. / working with Mitchell Froome / the separation (with no animosity) from Wall Of Voodoo / how recovering from the ‘flu affected the show’s set list:

    download mp3 audio Stan Ridgway 23rd February 1997 face-to-face interview (12 minutes, 96kps mono, 8mb mp3)

A chat with 3 world renowned musicians from Stan’s band – drummer Joe Berardi, guitarist Marc Ribot and bassist David Sutton, recorded in the Brisbane Tavern after the 23rd February 1997 show. They all say what a joy it is to work and to tour with Stan. The closing comment is by Ken from “Mr Blonde” (the opening act for the tour):

    download mp3 audio Stan Ridgway’s BAND MEMBERS Joe Berardi, Marc Ribot and David Sutton 23rd February 1997 face-to-face interview (11 minutes, 96kps mono, 8mb mp3)

     View full size jpg files of the three photos that I took at Stan’s 23rd February 1997 show at the Brisbane Tavern, using a little Ricoh automatic 35mm and 400ASA black and white film:

           (1) www.queerradio.org/Stan_Ridgway_Brisbane_Tavern_23rdFebruary1997_x_John_Frame_1of3.jpg  (~2mb)

           (2) www.queerradio.org/Stan_Ridgway_Brisbane_Tavern_23rdFebruary1997_x_John_Frame_2of3.jpg  (~2mb)

           (3) www.queerradio.org/Stan_Ridgway_Brisbane_Tavern_23rdFebruary1997_x_John_Frame_3of3.jpg  (~2mb)

(3) Hear John Frame’s 12th August 2002 interview with Stan Ridgway.  Recorded by phone from Los Angeles. I spoke with Stan at the time of the release of his album “Holiday In Dirt” – which he says is a compilation of “new, rare and unreleased” material – all of it meeting Stan’s high standard of excellence.

Stan Ridgway lives in Los Angeles with Pietra Wexstun, his bandmate, musical collaborator and charming wife. Stan has toured twice to Australia with his band, playing the Queensland University Refectory on 27th February 1987, and the Brisbane Tavern on 23rd February 1997. The 1993 re-release of his first solo CD “The Big Heat” includes the bonus track “Don’t Stop The Show”, which was recorded live, direct from the desk to tape, at Queensland University and is an accurate example of that astounding show (among my top five live performance favourites).

Topics discussed: - Stan shares the bone crunching story behind “Bing Can’t Walk”, made for Mitchell Froom’s soundtrack to the film “Slam Dance” / David Sutton – one of the cutest and most talented bassists on the planet (my words) / the wonderful story of how Stan met and fell in love with Pietra Wexstun / the secret to their enduring love of life / Stan’s album of stylish lounge songs “The Way I Feel Today” which he made especially for his mother (true story) / the CD “Live! 1989 The Ancient Town of Frankfurt” a superb performance from Stan’s “Mosquitos” tour, made from a fan’s donated bootleg cassette recording / needing a “music nurse” to keep the archives effectively organised / singing “Don’t Drop The Soap*” especially for the soundtrack to John Waters film “Pecker” which Stan says is “a highlight of my career” / Stan praises the Portland Oregon online indie music specialist www.cdbaby.com from where most of his CD’s are available (some exclusively) / Stan’s station ID’s for 4ZZZfm – including a great failed first effort, and perfect second take.

NB: I love listening back to this recording made in my kitchen at home. I love it in part because I can hear the life in action of dogs I loved (Dax, Wombat and Basil) and of my older brother Paul, who have all since passed on and their memories are cherished. I love it also because Stan is a one off, always genuine, and great fun to chat with – both by phone and in person (my Brisbane 1997 face to face interview is yet to be transferred from cassette).

*“Don’t Drop The Soap” (vocals by Stan Ridgway, music and production by Stewart Copeland, lyrics by John Waters) is available via iTunes in the USA from the “Pecker” soundtrack album – however on iTunes they’ve misspelled Stan’s surname as “Ridgeway”.    

    download mp3 audioStan Ridgway 12th March 2002 interview (20 minutes, 128kps mono, 21mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding any of these Stan Ridgway interviews

Visit Stan’s site http://www.stanridgway.com/  and join his email list.

In August 2010 Stan released his newest album “Neon Mirage” and began to tour in support – read his detailed notes about “Neon Mirage” and hear the whole album as streamed audio. Buy “Neon Mirage” and most of Stan’s past releases, including complete live concerts, via  http://www.stanridgway.com/purchase/index.html . In February 2011 Stan also made a complete recording of his 25th February 1987 show at Byron Bay, Australia available for mp3 purchase through CDbaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/StanRidgway . In March 2011 Pietra Wexstun released the mp3 single “Take It Away” from her upcoming Hecate’s Angels album “All That Glitters”:  http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/pietrawexstunhecatesange 




Hear John Frame’s interview with New Zealand photographic artist and audio journalist Gareth Watkins.  Recorded 26th July 1999 by phone from Wellington. These days Gareth is well established as a talented portrait photographer – specialising in studies of male youth, most of whom he met by chance, published in limited editions as “Street Adonis” (2005) and “Street Adonis 2” (2009).

Gareth first contacted me in early 1999 offering free CD-R copies of his excellent gay related audio documentaries for use as a resource on Queer Radio. On the CD covers he described himself as “a twenty-six year old independent producer living in Wellington, New Zealand. He has been working in the radio industry for eight years – making radio happen form both behind and in front of the microphone. He has worked at different levels in the radio industry – commercial, community access and public network. He loves creating and is concentrating now on developing opportunities for gay voices to be heard in mainstream media. He strongly believes in the promotion of understanding, acceptance and identity.”         

In this interview Gareth talks about his audio work in particular. Gareth can be commissioned for portrait photography, sound production, sound “snapshots” and digital storytelling. 

download mp3 audioGareth Watkins 26th July 1999 interview (23 minutes, 128kps stereo, 21mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Gareth Watkins interview 26th July 1999




cover for Matt Yee's Every Facet Of My Heart CD

Hear John Frame’s interview with Hawaii’s acclaimed openly gay cabaret entertainer Matt Yee.  Recorded 30th January 2001 by phone from Hawaii.

In this special, which aired 14th February 2001 on Queer Radio, we hear the interview combined with related music from Matt Yee’s 1999 independent release CD album “Every Facet Of My Heart”. Matt is a charming and refreshingly honest man, with a great voice and the spirit of Oscar Petersen at his fingertips. Visit his homepage at www.mattyee.com  

In our interview we discuss: love, identity, cultural heritage, self-image – and music (featured tracks: Mary Tyler Moore medley, Every Facet Of My Heart, I’ll Reinvent Myself, Me Too, In The Arms Of My Beloved, You’re Still The One, Auntie’s Aloha, Can’t Help LovinDat Man, and Kaleohano.)

download mp3 audioMatt Yee 30th January 2001 interview with music (30 minutes, 128kps stereo, 27mb mp3)

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Paul Capsis

2 interviews:

(1)  3rd Nov ’95 (at La Boite Theatre, Brisbane)

(2)  31st May 2001 (x phone from Sydney)

BrotherSister advert for Burning Sequins + ticket for 11 Nov '95 at La Boite

I was blessed with a full half hour interview with Paul Capsis which was recorded at midday on Friday 3rd November 1995 in his dressing room at La Boite Theatre in Brisbane for his 31st October to mid-November season of “Burning Sequins”. This was Paul’s first Brisbane visit (at least as a performer). The recording was made using a Sony Walkman cassette with a compact plug-in omni-directional stereo mic. The tape recording was dubbed to a TDK MA tape (Dolby off) with the interview separated into 9 segments for broadcast on the following Wednesday night during Queer Radio.   

In our interview we discuss:

(00:00) “Priscilla” (film); the nature of drag

(06:01) Janis Joplin – her strengths; audience response; subtly gay; as a singer

(11:15) coming out to mother; ethnic queers; prejudice

(16:30) youth; growing acceptance; “The Sum Of Us” and “Priscilla” (Australian films with straight actors and gay themes); Ian Roberts (out gay football player and model)

(23:40) work in progress

(25:33) stereotypes; coming out

(28:18) self-acceptance

(29:28) rejection; Julian Clary (re his role as ’95 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade MC)

(32:52) 4ZZZ birthday wish (introduced in character as Sandra Bernhardt)

download mp3 audioPaul Capsis 3rd  Nov 1995 interview at La Boite Theatre (34 minutes, 1928kps stereo, 45mb mp3)



John Frame's photos of Paul Capsis in 4ZZZ studio Nov 2004 and at the Brisbane Powerhouse June 2004

·         Hear John Frame’s interview with Australia’s great unique male diva – equally talented vocalist, performer and actor Paul Capsis.  Recorded 31st May 2001 by phone from Sydney. The occasion was a song form Paul Capsis being included in the Groovescooter Records compilation “Refashioned”. He chose to perform a cover of “(Without) You” which was a major hit for his childhood hero Marcia Hines. At this time Paul had only performed once in Brisbane, in October/November 1995 at La Boite Theatre with his show “Burning Sequins”. He returned in June 2004 to perform at the Brisbane Powerhouse for the opening of the Pride Festival and in subsequent years has performed solo shows at the Judith Wright Centre and for various arts Festivals. In September/October 2009 Paul joined a troupe of international featured vocalists for the Brisbane Festival’s “A Company Of Strangers” cabaret in the Spiegletent – performing several songs from his absolutely superb 2008 CD album “Everybody Wants To Touch Me” (the title track written by Paul Kelly).

In our interview we discuss:

Paul Capsis’ AFI “Best Supporting Actor” nominated role in the 1998 film “Head On” (based on “Loaded” by Christos Tsiolkas) / big decisions on career directions / how his openness as gay has affected his opportunities / Paul’s youthful obsession with Australian queen of pop Marcia Hines / complete song “(Without) You” (2001 Groovescooter Records compilation “Refashioned”) / co-hosting the SBS 2001 Eurovision Song Contest coverage / his new project with Barrie Kosky / the Brecht piece as Marlene Dietrich with Gerry Connolly / being “married to the stage” (his Mum’s words from our ’94 interview) / Paul’s joyous 2 year relationship / the complete song “Feel The Beat Of My Heart” (with Libby Gore) from the ABC TV 1998 McFeast Mardi Gras Special (this song originated in the Australian musical “The Emerald Room”).  

download mp3 audioPaul Capsis 31st May 2001 interview with music (32 minutes, 128kps stereo, 30mb mp3)

Read the transcript of this interview here (html file 22k)

Send feedback regarding these Paul Capsis interviews



publicity photo of Rufus Wainwright December 2004

Hear John Frame’s interview with Canada’s outstanding composer/songwriter/vocalist/performer Rufus Wainwright.  Recorded 8th January 2005 by phone from his home in Montreal. Rufus was about to come to Australia with his family (sister Martha Wainwright, mother Kate McGarrigle and aunt Anna McGarrigle) to perform in two of the “Leonard Cohen – I’m Your Man” tribute spectaculars which were part of the Sydney Festival. The McGarrigle Family (“featuring Rufus Wainwright”) were also doing a series of their own shows – including playing Brisbane’s Tivoli on 5th February 2005 (where I gave Rufus and his mum a hug – congratulating her on doing such a great job of parenting). In our interview Rufus assures that his family’s show would all be “top notch” performances, and of course he was 100% right. At this time Rufus Wainwright’s “Want Two” album had just been released and it was wonderful that his whole family joined in for “Gay Messiah”.

In this interview special we hear specifically related songs from “Want Two” and also “Goodnight Sweetheart” from the “McGarrigle Hour” CD and discuss:

“The Art Teacher” / introduction and welcome / the Leonard Cohen tribute shows / The McGarrigles / family background / “Goodnight Sweetheart” (Kate & Anna McGarrigle with Rufus and Martha Wainwright) /  sister Martha and what it’s like singing with his family / how Rufus feels about his own voice / openness about his sexuality / “Little Sister” / his style of intricacy in musical arrangement and production / “Waiting For A Dream” / Elton John’s praise and support as trusted friend / having led a very full life and knowing what he wants / “Crumb By Crumb” (excerpt) / queer readings of his lyrics / “The One You Love” / the song Peach Tree is a bout combating loneliness with fantasy – it’s about waiting / “Peach Trees” / the song Gay Messiah explained as a real prayer for deliverance / “Gay Messiah” / talk about Montreal and Canada / “Hometown Waltz” / talk re 5th Feb 2005 Tivoli show with the McGarrigle Family / potential for a solo tour in the future to include Brisbane? / farewell and close. I’m not kidding at all in saying that Rufus is a beautiful man – inside and out.

In September 2009 a live CD and DVD (and CD+DVD) “Milwaukee At Last!” were released – this performance is from the same “Release The Stars” tour which we saw at The Tivoli in Brisbane on 27th January 2008. Definitely one of the most dynamic and enjoyable shows I’ve ever been blessed to attend, and with Rufus and his band relaxed and faultless throughout. I couldn’t believe our good fortune that such an extravagant show was happening in such a modest sized (and priced) venue.

download mp3 audioRufus Wainwright 8th January 2005 Queer Radio interview and music Special  (50 minutes, 128kps stereo, 45mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Rufus Wainwright interview and music special 8th January 2005



publicity photo of David Rakoff plus cover art for Don't Get Too Comfortable

Hear John Frame’s interview with Canadian born and raised, American journalist, author and humourist David Rakoff.  Recorded (while I was calmly drowning in his eyes) on 28th August 2008 in his suite at Hotel Rendezvous, Brisbane. David was a guest of the Brisbane Writers Festival and was touring to support his 2008 novel "Don't Get Too Comfortable" (published in Australia by Scribe). David was one of a triumvirate of great gay USA authors on the Writers Festival circuit in Australia at the time (in company with his friend David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs). He appeared at Avid Reader later this day. David’s writing is superb entertainment and he’s just as lovely to chat with.

Note added 14th August 2012:


David Rakoff died, aged 47, in New York on Thursday 9th August 2012 (see the New York Times obituary). May he rest in peace. I had no idea until very recently that David had been a long term survivor of cancer (initially treated at 22 for Hodgkins Lymphoma, and symptom free for two decades). It was in an ABC Radio National broadcast of "This American Life" that I heard him sounding very weak, but being totally upfront about how he terribly he was losing that battle. David Rakoff leaves of legacy of uniquely insightful humour and a warm glow in the heart of anyone who was privileged to meet him.

download mp3 audioDavid Rakoff interview 28th August 2008 (17 minutes, 128kps mono, 15mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this David Rakoff interview 28th August 2008



promotional photo of Wayson Choy plus book cover for Not Yet with link to the Scribe website

Hear John Frame’s interview with Canadian author and memoirist Wayson Choy.  Recorded 11th September 2009 in Wayson's room at the Mantra Hotel, South Brisbane using two Sony ECM-115 lapel mics and a Zoom Handy2 digital recorder. Wayson was a featured guest of the Brisbane Writers Festival and on the previous day he delivered the Festival’s inaugural “Big Thought” lecture.

I spoke with Wayson regarding "Not Yet - a memoir of living and almost dying", published in Australia by Scribe http://www.scribepublications.com.au/book/notyet, which they describe as “Framed by Wayson Choy’s two brushes with death, Not Yet is an intimate and insightful study of one man’s reasons for living.”  Wayson says it's really a love story - celebrating the love of his extended families who helped him to survive and recover. He defines family as being those who love you and he explains why. Wayson says that for gay men in particular it was important in the worst of the AIDS crisis that people knew those who loved and supported them were indeed family.

Wayson tells us that he had relationships with a few women when he was young and was influenced by the Freudian view that homosexual attraction can be a passing phase, but he soon realised he was gay and says that at 70 he's still firmly attracted to men and happy about it. Wayson speaks about his first journey to China, to the birth town of Confucius, and yet finding no impulse to link to that culture, saying he feels instead that he is "in between" - being Canadian, Chinese and gay - bridging cultures. Wayson affirms the right of anyone to be who they are and he celebrates "fusion" in multiculturalism in Canada and North America

Wayson jokes that he encourages others to indulge in the good things of life, especially food - but admits that overindulgence is almost certainly what had caused his own heart problems. Wayson is clearly looking after himself – he’s a very handsome picture of health.

download mp3 audioWayson Choy interview 11th September 2009 (23 minutes, 128kps mono, 21mb mp3)

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Queer Radio Stonewall Day special banner

Hear John Frame and Scott Grimmett presenting 4ZZZ’s Stonewall Day Queer Radio Special 28th June 1998 (6-9pm).

This is a mono recording of the broadcast (4ZZZfm’s stereo signal was very weak and noisy at that time) which was sourced from an AIWA deck and stored on VHS HiFi tape.

Playlist :

Part 1 of 2: Pansy Division “Breakin’ The Law”; Stephen Fry “Homophobia” (from “Moab Is My Washpot”); Klaus Nomi "Lightning Strikes"; Chumbawamba “Outsider”; Wayne County “Toilet Love”; Boy George “Funtime”; Falling Joys “Universal Mind”; Scott Silverman (stand up comic from “Out There 2” TV special); Billy Bragg “Sexuality”; Li’l Fi and the Delta Rhythm Kings “Love Me Like A Man”; Sydney Gay & Lesbian Chorus “Moon River”; Jesse Hultberg “My Friend Wants A Baby”; Sam Phillips “These Boots Are Made For Walking”; Stephen Fry “Music” (from “Moab Is My Washpot”); Fred Schneider “Monster”

Part 2 of 2: Sparks “This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us”; Jimmy Somerville “Love Thing”; Steve Cohen “Silent Too Long”; John Forster “In The Closet”; Isis “Best Boyfriend”; Spandau Ballet “To Cut A Long Story Short”; William Burroughs and Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy "Words Of Advice For Young People"; The Flirtations "Something To Talk About"; Bloodhound Gang “I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks”; David Byrne “Now I’m Your Mom”; Sandpit “Greater Expectations”; Pansy Division “Ring Of Joy”; Dave Hall “Can’t Get Enough Of You”; Wally Gunn “Tongue Tied”; Kirsty MacColl "Angel"; Jesse Hultberg “Constant Thing”; Mischa Spaliansky “Masculine – Feminine”.   

download mp3 audio4ZZZfm Stonewall Day Queer Radio Special 6-9pm 28th June 1998 pt 1 of 2 (85 minutes, 64kps mono, 39mb mp3)

download mp3 audio4ZZZfm Stonewall Day Queer Radio Special 6-9pm 28th June 1998 pt 2 of 2 (92 minutes, 64kps mono, 42mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Stonewall Radio special 28th June 1998



photo of David Stevens by Robert Green from 1995 Currency Press reading script of The Sum Of Us plus DVD frame grabs

Hear John Frame’s 11th July 1994 recording of the Queer Radio interview with David Stevens – playwright and screenwriter of “The Sum Of Us”. This is the first celebrity interview I was involved with, and while I’m happy to take full credit for the recording, I only ask a couple of minor questions - the interview was expertly prepared and conducted by Queer Radio’s Ian Grey and by Shane McConnell. Recorded in the Brisbane Hilton to cassette tape using the Sennheiser MKE2002 binaural stereo microphone system, on the dummy head. This system gives genuine surround sound when using non-enclosed headphones – you will be sitting in a close circle, with me to your left, David left of centre, Shane right of centre and Ian to the right.

David Stevens is an acclaimed multi-talented actor/writer/director with a wealth of life experience. He spent many years in Australia and wrote “The Sum Of Us” as a tribute to the aggressive tolerance of the Australian people and he explains exactly why. The play was published in 1990 and by the time the film was released in 1994 there had been 60 productions in North America, yet David said this was the first time he witnessed Australian actors in the roles. David said he was enormously happy with the casting of Australian acting icon Jack Thompson as "Dad" - describing Jack's performance as "a triumph". He also believed Russell Crowe to be a rising Australian acting icon, who turned in the best "Jeff" performance he'd witnessed. David thought it very important that these actors are able to present the dialogue in its native Australian tongue "with all of its natural rhythms and natural attitudes".

The Sum Of Us was groundbreaking in that it achieved what its writer hoped, in being a bigger-budget film in which the audience (whether straight or gay) decidedly "wants the boy to get the boy" – but it was not a financial success (see the interview with executive producer Hal “Corky” Kessler further below).

The film's look, feel, language, sound and music are all genuine Australiana. I also found the slightly surreal moments were a pure joy on the big screen and that there's not a wasted word or image throughout. I've enjoyed rewatching The Sum Of Us on DVD many times. It makes me totally proud to be a gay Australian and my parents are every bit as supportive as Jeff's Dad - but part of that process included taking my mum to see The Sum Of Us at the cinema in '94, after which she gave me a big hug and a kiss and told me that she is very proud of her openly gay son.

David tells us about the background for the father character, Harry:
  "I didn't invent this character out of my mind - I mean, I'm not that clever. The first incident was a direct personal experience: When I was a young man (I was about seventeen at the time) I had occasion to spend the night in bed with a young Cockney boy from the East End. Fast asleep in his arms in the morning, his mother came in, tapped me on the shoulder and said "Do you take sugar in your tea?". Which was a bit of a shock to me because I came from a very right wing family - my father was closer to Genghis Khan than to Harry. My father never accepted my sexuality.

  But then when I came to Australia, I had a number of close friends. My friend John Barningham (who died of AIDS) - his father and mother were absolutely accepting of John's sexuality. His boyfriends were welcomed into the house, they shared the same bed, and Mother brought them tea in the morning and Dad would sit down and discuss the meaning of life with them. So speak as you find - I don't claim that everybody is like this, but drama is in the "particular" for me. There are people like this."

Read my two Internet Movie Data Base review comments here and here

Read my comparison of the 3 existing DVD versions of “The Sum Of Us” (the 2001 Kaleidoscope Australia edition, the much better 2003 MGM USA edition and the superior 2008 Roadshow Australia edition).

NB: on 24th May 2016 “Olive Films” released a high definition widescreen (1.85:1) transfer to Blu-ray (with no extras). It is a tad dark to view – but that’s easily fixed by kicking the brightness up on your TV. The resolution contrast, colour and audio are all excellent, and this is the definitive version which the film deserves: http://www.olivefilms.com/films/the-sum-of-us-blu-ray/.    

download mp3 audioDavid Stevens Queer Radio interview 11th July 1994 (27 minutes, 128kps stereo, 26mb mp3)

Hal Corky Kessler (Professional Bio image of Hal “Corky” Kessler from http://www.dlec.com/Attorneys/halcorkykessler.html )

Hear John Frame’s 30th October 2001 interview with Hal “Corky” Kessler entertainment industry specialist attorney, 1 of 3 Executive Producers of the film “The Sum Of Us”.

download mp3 audioHal “Corky” Kessler Queer Radio interview 30th Oct 2001 (13minutes, 128kps stereo, 11mb mp3)

Recorded by phone from Chicago, Illinois – I contacted Hal to present to our listeners his informed story about this film which was soon to be released for the first time on DVD (in Australia by “Shock Distribution”). Hal is so proud of this film that even today (in 2016) it is the first film listed in his professional bio (others include “Driving Miss Daisy” and “Steel Magnolias”). He gives us a view of how The Sum Of Us performed financially, which was disappointing – especially in the USA, where the play had been hugely successful in ‘90/’91 (“The play, directed by Kevin Dowling, opened on October 16, 1990 at the Off-Broadway Cherry Lane Theatre, where it ran for 335 performances. Tony Goldwyn and Richard Venture headed the cast. The play won the Outer Critics Circle Award for the Outstanding Off-Broadway Play 1990-1991.” -   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sum_of_Us ) Watch Tony Goldwyn talk about this role in a 2014 Huffington Post interview: http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/tony-goldwyn-gay-role_n_5589559.html?section=australia

Hal says the film was not promoted in the USA in an appropriate manner, including that the awards it won in Australia were not highlighted, and it was pitched in mainstream media as being a “gay date” movie. Hal believed that the film would have performed way better in 2001.

I told Hal how David Stevens enjoyed the film being made in Australia with its native accents, and Hal said that because Paul Newman had seen and loved the play, and had expressed strong interest in playing the Dad in a movie version, then there was early consideration of bringing Tom Cruise in to play the son – but that would have meant changing the characters and location to the USA. Thankfully it remained an Australian film – giving Hal the opportunity to fall in love with us when he visited Sydney in ’94 for the filming. On 24th May 2016 “Olive Films” will release a high definition widescreen (1.85:1) transfer to Blu-ray (no extras are listed): http://www.olivefilms.com/films/the-sum-of-us-blu-ray/ Hopefully the Blu-ray release will bring more viewers to appreciate it as one of the best ever made.    

On 15th August 2007 Brisbane’s “Courier Mail” (on page 60) published a small item about actor Jack Thompson being spotted at the Boondall Entertainment Centre in the crowd attending a Bob Dylan concert – and one punter immediately associated the famous face with “The Sum Of Us”, shouting “There’s that guy from the gay film”. Jack’s response was priceless:

Jack Thompson Courier Mail article 15th Aug 2007 p60



photo of Elliott Smith

Hear John Frame’s 6th January 1999 interview with Elliott Smith (August 6, 1969 – October 21, 2003) - recorded in the 4ZZZ newsbooth by phone from Sydney.

Elliott was touring Australia with his friends in the band Quasi. Quasi was the support act – with Elliott on bass – and then they backed him in the main set doing his solo material. They played Brisbane’s The Chelsea in Warner Street, The Valley on 7th January 1999. Elliott Smith had achieved significant independent artist acclaim in the previous decade with the “queer-core” Portland Oregon band “Heatmiser”. By the time of this tour he was enjoying worldwide success and well deserved acclaim for his solo recordings – including an Academy Award Nomination for “Miss Misery” from the soundtrack to Gus Van Sant’s “Good Will Hunting”.  

Elliott is just about the most laid back person I’ve ever interviewed – equal parts humble and genuinely sweet. I went to this interview just assuming that, as one of the two leading members in a queer-core band, Elliott would be gay. You’ll hear that some way into this interview I ask Elliott whether his openness about his queer identity has affected his ability to function as an artist? He responds calmly, but a little surprised, “MY queer identity??” …”I’m not gay. Neil Gust from Heatmiser is gay - I’m straight. I might be a lot happier if I was gay but!” I apologise, and he says “Almost half of my friends are gay. It’s not an insult in the least.” 

While I had personal reservations about the music from Quasi in their own set, they were fantastic in backing Elliott for his. The world lost one of its most gifted musicians and songsmiths when Elliott died in 2003 – see Wikipedia. 

download mp3 audioElliott Smith interview 6th January 1999 (11 minutes, 128kps mono, 11mb mp3)

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photo of ringtail and brushtail Australian possums

Hear John Frame’s interview with Brisbane wildlife carer Nancy Lambert. Recorded at her Barnett Road, Bardon home on 28th November 1999.  Nancy’s special interest is in caring for injured or orphaned possums - both the gentle ringtails and larger, more aggressive brushtails. In suburbia possums are particularly at great risk of death as a result of attacks by domestic cats. Nancy encourages the listener to be fully aware of how to respond to injured or sick possums – and that the young of mothers killed in car strikes may often still be alive in the mother’s pouch, and tells how they can be rescued and taken to experienced wildlife carers.

Nancy urges us to keep our yards bushy and leafy so possums can feed, nest and be safe. She’s a big fan of the humble mango tree as an exotic staple for suburban possums, who love to eat the reddish new growth. Hopefully you will join me in always looking out for injured possums on our roads. We have two brushtails living in our ceiling and at least two ringtail nesting in our very bushy yard – which our little dogs ensure is cat-free. 

download mp3 audioNancy Lambert interview 28th November 1999 (15 minutes, 128kps mono, 14mb mp3)

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photo of Patrick Wilde by Pete Shaw of bensilverstone.net with UK poster and link to site

Hear John Frame’s interview with “Get Real” screenwriter/playwright Patrick Wilde. Recorded by phone from Sydney on 17th February 2000. Patrick was a guest of the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, attending the screening of “Get Real” as the opening night feature for the Queer Screen festival (winning the Audience Award). The 1999 Brisbane International Film Festival had staged a sold out session of ”Get Real”, but sadly I had lost my tickets on the way into the cinema, and I had to wait another 6 months for a season at the local Dendy Cinema. It was well worth the wait – this is one of the very best films I’ve seen, especially in the “coming of age” category.

Patrick Wilde wrote “Get Real” for the screen, based on his 1992 play “What’s Wrong With Angry” – which was written at a time when the age of consent for sex between males was 21 in the UK (yet 16 for heterosexuals). The age was reduced to 18 in January 1994 – but wasn’t equalised at 16 until 2001. The play and film were written specifically to profile the experience of attraction, love and sexual desire in same sex attracted youth as being equal in intensity, reality and validity to that of heterosexual youth. As the main character, 15 year old Steven Carter says in his school award acceptance speech to a room full of parents: “It’s only love. What’s everyone so scared of?”    

We hear Patrick discuss: Get Real / Queer As Folk / actors in gay roles / encouraging awareness of gay youth / the film’s big budget look (on a comparatively low budget) / ensuring realistic reactions from the characters / homophobia at home / it’s about love, not just sex / Get Real’s value as a cinema experience / being happy with the film / Patrick’s upcoming projects. 

download mp3 audioPatrick Wilde interview 17th February 2000 (15 minutes, 96kps mono, 11mb mp3)

Send feedback regarding this Patrick Wilde 17th February 2000  interview


photo of Jonathan Harvey with Beautiful Thing poster

Hear John Frame’s interview with UK playwright / screenwriter / author / actor Jonathan Harvey. Recorded (in mono using Sennheiser MKE40/K3U mic to AIWA cassette) at the Brisbane Hilton 2nd August 1996. Jonathan was a special guest of the Brisbane International Film Festival for the local premiere of “Beautiful Thing”. This is one of my favourite films – everything about it is first class artistry, from the script and acting to the direction, editing and soundtrack. It’s also a perfect tale of young love conquering all – and between two young working class men.

Jonathan is disarmingly handsome and charming – and very honest. We hear him discuss many aspects of the film, as well as its translation from the play, and he discusses his own experiences - including being gay and a school teacher. The DVD release of the film did not include a commentary track – but this is the ideal substitute. Jonathan continues to write for stage, most recently "Canary"(2010), and to great acclaim and success for televison with the savagely hilarious "Gimme Gimme Gimme" (3 series - 1999, 2000, 2001) and the wildly entertaining and unique "Beautiful People" (2 series - 2008 & 2009) see Wikipedia for details.

download mp3 audioJonathan Harvey interview 2nd August 1996 (28 minutes, 64kps mono, 14mb mp3)

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cover art for Skott Freedman's Some Company album plus link to his homepage

Hear John Frame’s interview with USA songwriter / vocalist / pianist / bisexual activist Skott Freedman.  The interview was recorded 5th February 2003 by phone from Charleston, South Carolina. I was talking with Skott especially regarding his newly released CD album “Some Company”. “Some Company” is in the top handful of great albums I’ve heard.

The first mp3 linked below is of the complete Queer Radio special – 51 minutes combining the interview with music – which was originally aired in 3 parts over two shows. I’ve coded this as 96kps stereo so you can appreciate the music and then buy it in a more detailed format from iTunes or on CD.  The interview itself is in mono.

We hear the following songs (in this order): “Breathing”, “In November”, “Fairytales” (live at The Healer in Brisbane), “Tug O War”, “Treehouse”, “The Wind”, “Some Company” and “Anywhere”.   

"Some Company" is Skott’s third album of original music – following "Swimming After Dark" (1999) and "Anything Worth Mentioning" (2001).

In 2003 Skott curated an exceptional compilation CD release “Bi The People” featuring bisexual artists and friends (16 artists including himself, Laura Love, Rachel Sage, Jill Sobule, Tom Robinson, Ashley MacIsaac, Laya Fisher and Pansy Division).

In 2005 Skott released an album of cover versions of favourite songs by artists including the Cranberries (“Zombie”), Magnetic Fields (a duet with Mark Weigle “Papa Was A Rodeo”), Green Day (“Basket Case”), Jill Sobule (a duet with Jill “Soldiers Of Christ”) and Cyndi Lauper (“Money Changes Everything”). 

In June 2009 released his fourth album of original songs “The Cottage Sessions” in download format (from various distributors). All of Skott Freedman’s recordings are available from iTunes.

48 of Skott’s songs are available via YouTube – choose from  the playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlnOnIXB3_H2PKFxuqm1b_yvtSIYdU4pt 

download mp3 audioSkott Freedman 5th February 2003 interview and music special (51 minutes, 96kps stereo, 34mb mp3)

download mp3 audioSkott Freedman complete concert at “The Healer”, Brisbane, Australia 1st November 2002 (74 minutes, 256kps stereo, 135mb) this performance was recorded direct from the desk to MiniDisc (mixed by The Healer’s house audio engineer James) In post editing there was no added EQ – just two sections where I rebalanced the channels, and at the end I gently faded out his encore of “Some Company” (the MiniDisc ran out of space before the song finished).

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Rest In Peace David Page.


His image has been removed in respect for the late great indigenous Australian artist who died on 29th April 2016 as per http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-29/david-page-bangarra-dance-company-death/7371032  

Hear John Frame’s interview with Australian composer and actor David Page.  This interview was recorded 24th May 2004 at The Bowery in Ann Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. David was talking especially to promote his upcoming (September 2004) Brisbane Festival performances of his autobiographical one man show “Page 8”. The Festival notes were:

“David Page is best known as one of the Page family’s extraordinary sons – composer, actor, drag artiste, and a senior collaborator with Bangarra Dance Theatre. Little Davy Page was an all-singing, all-dancing sensation; at the tender age of 13 he appeared on Countdown and The Paul Hogan Show and in 1975 he became the only Australian artist to be signed to the Atlantic record label alongside greats such as Aretha Franklin and Otis Redding. David Page is outrageous, cheeky and a wellspring of beautiful energy.”

In our interview David discusses: music; his show “Page 8”; gayness and family. He was beautiful, charming, totally honest and supremely and uniquely talented. Our thoughts are with David’s family and friends in their great loss. 

download mp3 audioDavid Page interview 24th May 2004  (25 minutes, 128kps stereo, 23mb mp3)

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photo of Greg Gordon of This Way Out with logo and link to TWO website

Hear John Frame’s interview with veteran gay media activist Greg Gordon from This Way Out. Greg is the Coordinating Producer of “This Way Out” the weekly half hour lesbian and gay community radio magazine which is produced in Los Angeles and distributed to 175 local community radio stations around the world. This interview was recorded 16th June 2006 from Los Angeles using Skype for Greg’s voice and an Altec headset for John. With 35 years of hands on, virtually non-stop experience as a queer-specific radio presenter, Greg is in a unique position to talk about every aspect of organising vital and relevant queer community radio with a view to providing ongoing support as both a lifeline and an inspiration to listeners.   

In our thoroughly enjoyable half hour chat Greg discusses: his earliest local radio experience in 1974 on KPFK (the “IMRU” show); establishing “Inside Out”: which became “This Way Out”; the value of  queer specific community/public radio; satisfaction as the key reward and motivation; expressing self-confidence in shows; perceived progress since the mid-seventies; collective vs anchor options for presenting queer programming; his career highlights (including the 1979 March On Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights); love in his life – especially for pets (including his late loved corgi Fox); being scared shitless of the future (the effect of financial concerns for TWO); the future need for queer specific and presented shows; his dream to die at the editing table (hopefully a very long time from now).  

download mp3 audioGreg Gordon of This Way Out interview 16th June 2006  (33 minutes, 64kps mono, 16mb mp3)

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photo of Pansy Division from their website 2009

Hear John Frame’s interview with Chris Freeman from Pansy Division. Chris is the band’s co-founder, co-writer, co-vocalist, bass guitarist. Recorded midday 11th July 2009 by speakerphone from Los Angeles, USA. Pansy Division’s first album of new material in 6 years had just been released – their 8th CD “That’s So Gay” – as well as the feature length documentary DVD “Pansy Division – Life In A Gay Rock Band”. Jon Ginoli has also simultaneously released his memoir “Deflowered – My Life In Pansy Division”. There’s very nearly 20 years of experiences for Jon to share – he officially formed Pansy Division with Chris Freeman in 1991 in San Francisco. See the DVD for a highly entertaining and personal story of one of the rarest of all modern social entities, the enduring openly queer bona fide rock band. Pansy Division resume touring in the USA in September 2009 – all details are on their website www.pansydivision.com

In our 27 minute relaxed chat we hear Chris talk about how he’s seen the world change these last 20 years; stereotyping; the band’s sometimes confronting lyrics; their love songs; the fact that he really tried to be straight as a young man; the reality of ongoing homophobia in the world; the need for vigilance in activism and to acknowledge the progress that’s been made; guitarist Joel Reader as a great contributing asset to the band; and finally the “Jonah” series of YouTube webisodes (for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE7lR90UacA ) which Chris co-created with Michael Carmona to promote the new album.

download mp3 audioChris Freeman of Pansy Division interview 11th July 2009 (27minutes, 64kps mono, 13mb mp3)

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photo of John Marsden by Brendan Esposito

Hear John Frame’s interview with John Marsden openly gay lawyer and internationally acclaimed equal rights activist from Campbelltown, New South Wales. Recorded 30th November 2001. I spoke with John Marsden when he was guest speaker at a dinner by Brisbane’s Gay & Lesbian Business Network (at Brett’s Wharf restaurant).

John Marsden (3rd January 1942 to 17th May 2006) had, by the time of this interview, been fighting for 7 gruelling years and had spent millions of dollars in his defamation law suit against the SEVEN television network. In 1994, at the time of The Wood Royal Commission, New South Wales Parliamentarians Franca Arena and Deidre Grusovin notoriously grossly abused “Parliamentary Privilege” to air unsubstantiated accusations of paedophilia. John Marsden tells us that those accusations led directly to at least 27 deaths by suicide – including Judge Yeldham. John had the courage to fight back, even when the SEVEN network aired material claiming that he was paedophile. John’s legal action was upheld in 2001, but SEVEN appealed, claiming that since he was a promiscuous homosexual, Marsden did not have a reputation which could be defamed. As per Wikipedia :” In 2002, the NSW Court of Appeal ruled that the compensation payout should have included consideration for hurt feelings, and ordered a new trial on damages,] Marsden and Seven subsequently came to a confidential out-of-court settlement, estimated by various parties as anywhere from $6 million to $9 million”.

The physical and emotional stress of the ordeal ruined his health (he died in May 2006 from stomach cancer). It injured his family. There was verbal abuse and vandalism. Many people in the lesbian and gay community turned their backs. It cost him his savings, some friends, many clients, and most devastatingly the love of his life, who walked out. John tells us that he was not fighting to clear his own name, but to ensure that other high profile gay men and lesbians were not easy targets for similar attacks by homophobic media. John encourages lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders to be high-profile, well organised and supportive – especially for the sake of youth, who deserve to know without a doubt that it will be OK if they are gay. John Marsden was a lovely man and will be remembered as one of Australia’s greatest equal rights activists. His autobiography “I Am What I Am” was published in 2005 by Penguin Books.

download mp3 audioJohn Marsden interview 30th November 2001 at GLBN Dinner (9minutes, 128kps stereo 0mb mp3)

(intro and outro music “Enough Is Enough’ by Chumbawamba from their “Anarchy” CD)

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The Trocks - Swan Lake scene photo from Trocks website

Hear our interview with Tory Dobrin artistic director of The Trocks (Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo) recorded 16th September 2002 by John Frame for Queer Radio, Brisbane and This Way Out, Los Angeles.

Tory and I sat in the Plaza of the Queensland Performing Arts Complex – The Trocks performed at QPAC’s Lyric Theatre from 25th to 29th September. It was their first visit to Brisbane. The Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo is an all male, and mostly gay, company of exceptionally talented ballet artists who have performed around the globe, in over 500 cities in 33 countries, to great acclaim since their comparatively humble debut in Manhattan, New York on 9th September 1974. The dancers have their own characters, and the show is equal parts breathtaking comedy and artistic beauty – a must see, even for those who think they may not like ballet. Tory is so happy with this interview that the This Way Out edit remains posted on their website (see http://www.trockadero.org/from-the-director.html ). You can enjoy the full Queer Radio version below – with details of the topics covered:

download mp3 audioTory Dobrin of The Trocks interview 16th September 2002 QPAC Brisbane (17 minutes, 128kps stereo 16 mb mp3)

Topics discussed (in order): Who the show appeals to / what’s on offer / hamming it up vs parody / audience response / protocol and comedy / the machismo of “Mythologia” and the masculinity of The Trocks / freedom of personal expression / music / the mid ‘70s “Gary McDonald Show” and its comic sketch of the Australian Ballet in the USSR performing “Cocky Lake” / young men seeing The Trocks as their dance company of choice / the film “Billy Elliott” – acting on your dream / the “out and proud” heterosexual dancer / Emmanuel’s parents and the ’87 Paris show / surviving the Stonewall era / the legitimacy of The Trocks / ballet technique is not gender-specific, the difference between male and female styles / individual joy in performance and as part of the troupe / a family experience. 

They returned to Brisbane in November 2005 and again in November 2009.

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John Frame's photo of Stephen Fry at QI LIve , Brisbane 31st Oct 2011 Photo by John Frame of Stephen Fry & company of “QI Live” at Lyric Theatre, Brisbane 31st October 2011


Hear my interview with Britain’s duly celebrated nicest clever person Stephen Fry (author, voice/stage/screen actor, director, performance artist, naturalist, memoirist, cherished UK national treasure) - recorded by phone 7th February 2001. Stephen is safe at home in London, on a cold and rainy night, but warmed by the glow of his Apple Mac. 


This hour in company with Stephen Fry was an exceptional privilege, and a pure joy. Stephen is completely friendly, charming and honest. Our complete edited interview is posted here for your convenience as a complete single mp3 file or in four parts (which is how it was aired over 4 weeks on Queer Radio). There’s a list of the topics discussed in each part. I’ve heard many interviews with Stephen, and quite humbly I believe this is the best of them – especially because he is speaking with full confidence to an audience which is 100% queer friendly.


Big thanks to the Bonzo Dog Band for the music “Tubas In The Moonlight”. I highly recommend the 2006 live concert DVD “Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - 40th Anniversary Celebrations” (available from Amazon etc) – in which Stephen does a fantastic job of standing in for the late Vivian Stanshall on several of their classics – most notably “Rhinocratic Oaths” (watch their promo video on YouTube).


On 31st October 2011 when Stephen was performing at Brisbane’s Lyric Theatre in the “QI Live” show, I was very fortunate to be seated front row, right of centre, and I took the above acceptable photo using only the very bright existing light (via a Fuji W3 3D camera). Love you Stephen.


You can hear the interview as either one complete carefully edited 55 minute mp3 (which includes our brief preliminary chat) or as 4 equally carefully edited parts:


download mp3 audio Complete interview with Stephen Fry by John Frame 7th Feb 2001 (55minutes, 256kps stereo 110 Mb mp3)



download mp3 audio1. Stephen Fry 7th February 2001 part I of 4 (11:39, 128kps stereo 11mb mp3)

“Word Power”; Wilde and the miners; altruistic morality; Professor Trefusis (from “Paperweight”)

download mp3 audio2. Stephen Fry 7th February 2001 part 2 of 4 (16:41, 128kps stereo 16mb mp3)
“The Stars’ Tennis Balls”; Patrick White; the great Australian poetry hoax; the “gay novelist” ghetto; respect for beauty; “Moab Is My Washpot”; youthful sexuality; older gay activism

download mp3 audio3. Stephen Fry 7th February 2001 part 3 of 4 (12:25, 128kps stereo 12mb mp3)
gay/straight alliances In schools; being Jewish and gay; The Bonzo Dog Band, Vivian Stanshall and British eccentricity; UK age of consent & their law reform process

download mp3 audio4. Stephen Fry 7th February 2001 part 4 of 4 (15:07, 128kps stereo 15mb mp3)

National Coming Out Day in the UK (“Star Trek” Quote - “please help me”); hosting the BAFTA Awards & acknowledging partners publicly; the film “Billy Elliott” (which won best film In 2001); “Wilde” on DVD; Vanessa Redgrave’s normal family life; Stephen’s family is proud of him; the value of being publicly accepted as openly gay; thanks & farewell.

Read the ABRIDGED TRANSCRIPT - 2,400 words, 34k html file: http://www.queerradio.org/FryQueerRadio4ZZZ.htm

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Queer Radio’s 1st birthday show – as aired 29th September 1993

(That was a few months before I started with the show) Presenters were Gai Lemon, Michael Carden, Jeff Ward and Ej Scott, who all took turns at panel operation, plus Ian Grey. Studio guests this night were Fr Theo, from the Anglican parish of St Albans, Michelle Buchanan of Queensland Pride magazine, Natalie Jeremijenko curator of film and video for the Glam Festival and Sam and Lance of Queensland University of Technology who were campaigning in student union on the “Fresh” ticket. Pre-records were Cath Phillips of Burn magazine (speaking at a Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association dinner) and Robyn Boland of the venue “Sistafunk”. This recording was transferred and edited from cassette tapes provided by Gai Lemon.

Hear the whole show in 2 parts of 1 hour 20 minutes each (as 64kps mono 28mb mp3 files):

download mp3 audioQueer Radio 29th September 1993 pt 1 of 2  Features: Cath Phillips, Michelle Buchanan, Robyn Boland, The Jeff Ward Story. Music: “Happy Birthday”, “Celebration”, “Open Your Mind”, “Mister Vain”, “Little Bird”, “No Woman No Cry”, Passionate Kisses”, Crazy”, “It’s A Man’s World”, “Girl On The Wall”.

download mp3 audioQueer Radio 29th September 1993 pt 2 of 2 Features: The Fr Theo Story, Natalie Jeremijenko, The Ej Scott Story, Sam and Lance, The Michael Carden Story, The Gai Lemon Story. Music: “God Rest Ye Merry Dykes and Poofs”, “Free At Last”, “The Neutron Dance”, “Why”, “Say It”, “Human Behaviour”, “Fem In A Black Leather Jacket”, Kinky Boots”, “U Suck”.

This program includes the following mini autobiographies (each available below as 64kps mono, ~ 5mb mp3 files):

 The Jeff Ward Story,  The Fr Theo Story,  The Ej Scott Story,  The Michael Carden Story and  The Gai Lemon Story.



photo of Margret RoadKnight from her website


Hear our studio interview with Margret RoadKnight live to air 10th June 1998 by John Frame for Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm, Brisbane. As per Margret’s own website she is: “A unique and passionate artist, renowned for her powerful vocals and wide-ranging roots-based repertoire with lyrics full of wit and wisdom, Margret RoadKnight survives and thrives outside the mainstream music scene with flair and soul. Four decades into her career, she continues to tour extensively, singing rivetting if under-exposed songs, either acappella or with her guitar and African thumb piano, solo or with accompanying musicians, always interspersed with informative and amusing anecdotes, at venues ranging from house concerts to outdoor festivals.” 


For 20 years I knew we shared a music teacher, Harry Lebler, but I met Margret for the first time at the Labor Day Fair at Albert Park and invited her to be a guest on the show. Margret was immediately pleased to accept – but declined the invitation to perform, knowing that such situations are always compromised in some way. Instead she wanted to bring in some of her music on CD and enjoy a relaxed chat. In these 36 minutes we get to know Margret and enjoy three excellent tracks “Beat Out That Rhythm On A Drum” and “Disposable Society”  from the 1993 CD “Fringe Benefits” and also “Raluph Through The Looking Glass” from the 1994 CD of childrens songs by John ShortisAcappella Cinderella”.


Please note: In this stereo recording of the broadcast - from a portable ghetto blaster to HiFi VHS tape - we hear how remarkably clear and dynamic 4ZZZ’s signal was at that time. These days the “loudness wars” have seen 4ZZZ applying heavy compression and limiting in order to compete in pure volume with the commercial stations. The vitality of voices and splendour in music has now gone from radio and it will never be the same again.    

download mp3 audioMargret RoadKnight 4ZZZ live studio interview 10th June 1998 (36 minutes, 128kps stereo,  35mb mp3)

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Judith Lucy artwork with link to Brisbane Powerhouse site

Hear our interview with Judith Lucy 21st May 2009 by John Frame for Queer Radio on 4ZZZfm, Brisbane. Australia’s very very funny lady, Judith Lucy returns to the Brisbane Powerhouse Theatre from 2nd June 2009 to present her new show “Judith Lucy’s Not Getting Any Younger”:  “The wait is finally over - Judith is back with a brand new stand-up show. Last year Judith turned forty and realised that ‘forty’ is in fact the ‘new forty’ and anyone who says anything different is living a lie. Her mind turned to mortality, the meaning of life and why you never think about any of this nonsense until, thanks to three-day hangovers, you just can’t drink like you used to. This will be Judith’s ninth solo show, her first live tour since 2006 and marks her twentieth anniversary as a stand up comedian.”

I recorded the interview at home using a speakerphone (the scrabbling and puffing sounds in the background are our two dogs wrestling on the veranda). We hear Judith speak with her trademarked candid humour on a range of topics and she gets duly serious about the ongoing men’s football team culture of using and abusing women. We find that Judith is an old friend of Lea DeLaria and a big fan of David Sedaris (see their interviews further below). This is probably the fifth time I’ve interviewed Judith since 1995 – always a pleasure and delight, just as her shows are always hilarious. 

download mp3 audioJudith Lucy interview 21st May 2009 (13 minutes, 128kps stereo,  13mb mp3)

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photo of Lea DeLaria and link to her website

Hear our interview with Lea DeLaria 27th September 2008 by John Frame for Queer Radio, Brisbane and This Way Out, Los Angeles.

I spoke with Lea from New York City (recorded at my home using a speakerphone).  Lea was promoting her performance "Lea DeLaria NAKED" which was staged on 6th November 2008 at the Brisbane Powerhouse Theatre, for the Brisbane Jazz Festival. This was meant to be a “music only” show, but Lea says she naturally includes witty banter. On the night though Lea was so over the moon about the Obama victory that she was radiating joy.  I like that she asked for a show of hands from those who like jazz, then those who are queer, then those who are queer and like jazz – and finally she says for anyone who didn’t put their hands up to any of those questions “What the fuck are you doing here?”.


Lea was accompanied on piano by her life partner and brilliant musical director, Janette Mason. They employed the talents of two local lads on bass and drums and they worked so incredibly well as a band you’d swear they had years rather than hours together. Lea Delaria has a stunning voice, but what impresses most is her indelible gift of the ability to swing – and the fact that she’s a master of show. 

download mp3 audioLea DeLaria interview 27th September 2008 (15 minutes, 64kps mono,  7mb mp3)

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animated gif of Brian Kennedy in Brisbane 18th March 2005 by John Frame

Brian Kennedy - Ireland’s much loved and highly acclaimed vocalist, musician, producer, novelist and musicologist. He has several top selling CD albums and has produced and presented two 6 part BBC TV series of “Brian Kennedy On Song” (a history of Irish music).

Belfast born Brian is proud to be open and honest regarding his gay sexuality, especially in support of queer youth - who are much in need of societal role models. In Ireland, he says, it’s rare enough to hear any “out of wedlock” sex being discussed, let alone positive things about queerdom. He has a truly fine counter-tenor voice, and applies great skill as a producer and musical arranger. Brian has collaborated with numerous acclaimed artists (e.g. Van Morrison, Sinead O’Connor), as well having performed in Riverdance on Broadway for a full year. In 2006 he was proud to place 10th representing Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest with “Every Song Is A Cry For Love” – but he would have much preferred to win.

I have been honoured to record four interviews with Brian Kennedy- - two by phone, one “face to face” over lunch in a restaurant beside the Brisbane River (where I took the above photo), and the other as a studio guest with Queer Radio at 4ZZZfm. I present all of these for your pleasure:

 download mp3 audioBrian Kennedy interview x ph ex Tipperary, Ireland  17th September 2003 (19minutes, 56kps, mono, 8mb mp3)

 download mp3 audioBrian Kennedy as studio guest 4ZZZfm Brisbane 10th November 2004 (63minutes, 64kps, mono, 29mb mp3) (unedited 1 hour segment)

 download mp3 audioBrian Kennedy interview re “The Arrival of Fergal Flynn”, in person Brisbane, Australia 18th March 2005 (38minutes, 128kps, stereo, 35mb mp3)

 download mp3 audioBrian Kennedy interview x ph ex Dublin, Ireland  23rd July 2007 (20minutes, 64kps, mono, 10mb, mp3)

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internet sourced photo of Jimmy Somerville and link to his official websiteJimmy’s official website is: http://www.jimmysomerville.co.uk/Jimmy_Somerville/Home.html

Hear John Frame’s two interviews with Jimmy Somerville. The first was on 10th February 1998 for Queer Radio and 4ZZZfm and the second on 21st December 2005 for Queer Radio and for Los Angeles-based This Way Out:

(1) recorded in the 4ZZZ newsbooth 10th February 1998 by phone from Sydney. Jimmy was in Sydney to perform in a series of dance music spectaculars (with Ultra Nate, Adeva and Frankie Knuckles) and was also promoting the single “Dark Sky” on his new label “Gut Records”.  The interview was edited in combination with his music as a one hour special. You can hear at the start how starstruck nervous I was – but Jimmy quickly put me at ease and I believe that this is one of my best interviews. Topics discussed include: oppressive laws, group sex, politics, age of consent, London Records attitude to his sexuality, relationships, promiscuity, sexual identity in youth, parental support, masculinity & machismo. Music used (in full): “Heartbeat”, “”I Feel Love medley”, “Read My Lips”, “It Ain’t Necessarily So”, “Because Of Him”, “Alright”, “Dare To Love” and “Dark Sky”.

download mp3 audio Jimmy Somerville interview special 10th February 1998 (60 minutes, 128kps stereo,  55mb mp3)

(2) recorded (at home using a mix of Skype and a separate lapel mic) 21st December 2005 by phone from Jimmy’s home in London.  While doing the dishes (seriously) Jimmy chats upfront and personal about his more recent album “Home Again” and topics ranging from his own experience of the age of consent to his view on same sex civil unions. He was also excited about being booked to perform at shows in Sydney and Melbourne for 24 February and 2 March 2006. These spectaculars titled “Evolve” were designed especially for Jimmy by producer Colin Tate. Colin says it was a way of paying homage and giving back for the empowerment Jimmy‘s honesty and music gave to his own life. The shows included full versions of hits from Bronski Beat and The Communards, as well his solo hit singles – and also featured an acoustic set with backing from the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir and the Melbourne Gay & Lesbian Chorus. The Sydney show was part of the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival. NB: While in Australia Jimmy joined talented local musicians in a rural Sydney studio to record the beautiful acoustic stylings of his personal all-time favourite songs, which were released in June 2009 as the download-only album “Suddenly Last Summer” – but which was thankfully released on CD in May 2010 in the UK on Cherry Red Records.


Topics discussed include: coming to Australia, the Sydney Mardi Gras dance party and the Gay Gaymes opening, the “Evolve” shows, Bob Downe as show host and associate, Mark Trevorrow as gay (not just when in character as Bob Downe), Brokeback Mountain, self-awareness of his own persona, same-sex civil unions in the UK, “thank god I’m an atheist”, Jimmy as a sexually active 16 year old, age of consent and the Queensland sodomy law, early videos – especially “Smalltown Boy”, Bart Fischer’s video for “Here I Am”, working with Paul Mac on “It’s So Good”, problems with BMG over the “Home Again” CD, making a living in Europe, the value of loyal supporters, Colin Tait, gay music artists coming out – or being forced out. Music used (in full): “This Must Be Love”, “”I Believe”, “Here I Am”, “It’s So Good” and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”.

download mp3 audioJimmy Somerville interview special 21st December 2005 (36 minutes, 128kps stereo,  33mb mp3)

Read the full interview  transcript here (html file – 76k)

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photo of Chris Turner, Armistead Maupin and Patrick Gale 13th Sept 07 by John Frame

Chris Turner, his husband Armistead Maupin and their good friend Patrick Gale – at the Brisbane Writers Festival 13th September 2007 (Brisbane Powerhouse) at signing after Armistead and Patrick’s “After We Met” session. (Photo by John Frame)

My first of two interviews with Armistead Maupin was by phone on 28th November 1996 when he was in town for the Brisbane Writers Festival. He was touring to mark the 20th anniversary of the first Tales Of The City novel, and was a guest at a Festival dinner where he read from the draft manuscript of his upcoming new novel “The Night Listener” (which later became a feature film starring Robyn Williams). One element of my dialogue in this interview which I’d like to go back in time and change is how I used the term “HIV”, rather than “HIV-Positive” or “living with HIV”. I particularly like the part where I tell him of my friend Joan Wilmott, who was my Anna Madrigal – when Joan heard this interview she said she felt like she’d been given an award (and one which was truly deserved I must add).

download mp3 audioArmistead Maupin interview 28th November 1996 (15minutes 41 seconds, 129kps mono, 15mb mp3)    


A feature event of the 2007 Brisbane Writers Festival was of best friends Armistead Maupin and Patrick Gale appearing at the Powerhouse Theatre talking about their


Hear John Frame’s relaxed interviews with Armistead Maupin and with Patrick Gale recorded during this Festival at the Saville Apartments:


download mp3 audioArmistead Maupin interview 13th September 2007 (14 minutes, 128kps stereo, 13mb mp3)


Armistead includes reference to his latest novel “Michael Tolliver Lives”



download mp3 audioPatrick Gale interview 14th September 2007 (20 minutes 128kps stereo 19mb mp3)   

Patrick includes reference to his latest novel “Notes From An Exhibition”

Send feedback regarding the interview with Armistead Maupin or Patrick Gale.



David Sedaris at Brisbane Irish Club 20th August 2008 photo by Ron Frame

David Sedaris, at Brisbane’s Irish Club, 20th August 2008. (Photo by Ron Frame).

Hear our interview with David Sedaris as recorded 20th August 2008 by John Frame (at the Hotel Grand Chancellor dining room). David is a multiple Best Selling author of humour – the vast majority being based on his own life experience (with suitable embellishments). This was his first time in Brisbane, and he was touring Australia to promote his latest novel (also an audiobook) “When You Are Engulfed In Flames” (2008 Hachette). David has broad public speaking experience and is a Grammy Award nominee. He has a distinctly warm, personal and unaffected manner of speaking, which I find completely endearing (and which he simply can’t bear to hear).


One of the joys in speaking with David is that you find the interview experience is mutual. We’re now both over 50 – one of the topics in our 15 minute chat:


download mp3 audioDavid Sedaris interview 20th August 2008 (15 minutes, 128kps stereo, 14mb mp3)


Send feedback regarding this interview with David Sedaris.



Augusten Burroughs at Dendy Portside, Brisbane 29th August 2008. photo by John Frame

Augusten Burroughs, at the Dendy Portside Cinema, Brisbane, 29th August 2008. (Photo by John Frame)

Hear our interview with Augusten Burroughs as recorded 28th August 2008 by John Frame (at the ABC Studios, Toowong). Auguesten is a multiple Best Selling author of dramatic humour – and, again, with the vast majority being based on his own life experience. Augusten was touring Australia to promote his latest novel “A Wolf At The Table” (2008 Picador) – a compelling and intensely personal revelation of his young life, dealing with a very dangerous and abusive father.


Augusten is a passionate powerhouse of unflinching honesty. In this recording he says that he has too often been misrepresented regarding his attitude to being proud to be gay – so we hear him set the record straight.


download mp3 audioAugusten Burroughs interview 29t h August 2008 (24 minutes, 128kps stereo, 22mb mp3)


Send feedback regarding this interview with Augusten Burroughs.


2qt2bstr8 logo with link to MySpace site 

Logan Youth & Family Services GLBT youth support group “2QT2BSTR8”:

Hear the half hour studio visit by 2QT2BSTR8’s Teena and Hannah (youth), James and Olivia (co-convenors) on Wednesday 28th May 2008 from 9:10pm:

download mp3 audio2QT2BSTR8 youth on Queer Radio in 4ZZZ studio 28th May 2008 (31minutes, 64kps mono, 14Mb mp3)   

(song “Dick and Jane” is by Brisbane resident Laya Fisher from the compilation CD “Bi The People”)

2QT 2B STR8 (Logan area GLBT Youth Group)

Too cute to be straight is a support, social and information group in the Logan and Beenleigh area for young people aged 16 to 19 who may just be questioning or identify as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or intersexed person.

Young people who are interested in finding out more about 2QT2BSTR8 can call on (07) 3826 1500, or email  2qt2bstr8@yfs.org.au  MySpace site: http://www.myspace.com/2qt2bstr8group



photo of John Shelby Spong

Bishop John Shelby Spong – retired United States Episcopalian Bishop, equal rights activist and prolific author. Recorded 24th June 2001 before Sunday Service at Brisbane’s Metropolitain Community Church. John had been banned by both Brisbane’s Catholic and Anglican Archbishops from speaking his message of acceptance and tolerance in any of their churches. John was welcomed to speak at the Uniting Church in Brisbane City and he sought out the local MCC as his chosen place for Sunday worship. John speaks to us candidly about his upbringing and his journey through love and faith to his firm stand that, just as women clergy are equally acceptable so too are gay and lesbian clergy.

Read the full transcript of the interview here (html file)

download mp3 audioBishop John Shelby Spong Queer Radio interview 24th June 2001 (9minutes, 48kps mono, 2mb mp3) 

Send feedback regarding this interview with Bishop John Shelby Spong.





Mark Weigle at 4ZZZfm 16th October 2007

On 3rd October 2007 California based proudly gay songsmithand recording artist Mark Weigle visited Brisbane (staying with my family) and performed four songs (3 brand new, 1 cover) live in the 4ZZZ studio for Queer Radio, which were videotaped using a Sony MiniDV and separate stereo condenser mic. YouTube videos for those songs are  I Remember Tom”: http://youtu.be/BGUvuvhpChw , “Forgive And Not Forget”: http://youtu.be/hNEgpWwLpaU  , “With No Love”: http://youtu.be/9c3RbVGKI6o , and “Jolene” (Dolly Parton cover): http://youtu.be/07QaH2WW2Rg .

The YouTube playlist for all 4 songs: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3ADC10AD27D1D9F




NSW Gay And Lesbian Counseling Service community announcement framegrab.jpg - 124.5 KB

NSW Gay & Lesbian Counselling Service This brilliantly effective Community Service Announcement aired on ABC TV immediately following their 5th March 1995 special coverage of the preceding night's Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. I love the way this coolly takes advantage of what people have come to expect to see of youth getting excited about an impending date. It should have won an award.

Watch the 1 minute video via YouTube:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAhI3Z5yXUY (remastered new transfer October 2011)




Other Audio (not interviews):


Queer Radio program intro and celebrity station ID’s Because 4ZZZ only has one broadcast studio, I created a 95 second intro which not only made the listener fully aware of the philosophy and purpose of show, but also acted as a self-affirming mantra, and allowed us plenty of time to get settled in and be ready to turn the mics on by the time it finished. Most times when I interviewed someone I would record a station ID for our show – with the intention of accenting the broad nature of LGBT identity and our allies. Below is the 2006 “intro” plus one of the 45 celebrity “station ID/outros” (the outros were played before we returned to using the studio mics, after playing music or a recorded interview).


2006 Queer Radio intro (90 seconds): cut up from sources including a flimsy 60s vinyl Readers Digest relaxation record, Doris Day “Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries”, Elvis Costello (“Radio Radio”), the “American Beauty” film soundtrack, “Queer As Folk” (UK), Frank Kameny (from the documentary “Pride Divide”), Big Gay All from “South Park”, Jamie from film “Beautiful Thing”, the Liza Theme from “Liza With A Z”, and collage of people saying “Queer” including Sarah Vaughan (from “Send In The Clowns”), Norman Gunston, Pat Parker, Jon Ginoli, Homer Simpson, Jamie from film “Beautiful Thing”, Doris Day, John Waters, Jimmy Somerville, Tom Robinson – and concluding with an excerpt from “Atmospherics” by Tom Robinson.



Queer Radio outros  example: each is a celebrity station ID followed by a collage of people saying “Queer” including Sarah Vaughan (from “Send In The Clowns”), Norman Gunston, Pat Parker, Jon Ginoli, Homer Simpson, Jamie from film “Beautiful Thing”, Doris Day, John Waters, Jimmy Somerville, Tom Robinson – and concluding with an excerpt from “Atmospherics” by Tom Robinson.


(1)   Stephen Fry ID outro



BBC4 A World In Your Ear 23 Aug 2002 cassette scan and text

In early August 2002 BBC4 producer Tanya Datta phoned me requesting that I submit some audio from both Queer Radio and Dykes On Mykes for consideration in their upcoming “A World In Your Ear” program which would sample LGBT radio shows from around the world. She asked for our theme music in particular and some spoken word. Tanya got back to me advising that she thought the Queer Radio intro was the best of all the ones she was sent - but that it was a touch too confronting for them to air.

However they did use a very nice little snippet of Deb Murphy and Jai McCormick introducing Dykes On Mykes (Hear them at 15m 23s into the show).

Hear the BBC4fm “A World In Your Ear” 23rd August 2002 program as a 27m 11s 128kps mono 24mb mp3



Muff Divas And Drag Queens program information sheets as 250k jpg image

“Muff Divas and Drag Queens – A history of gay and lesbian lives in NSW” is a February 1996 two part special produced and distributed by community radio 2SER in Sydney.

Part 1: “Into A Brave New World” (27:00) produced by Abby Duruz (256kps 2 channel 27mb mp3) Distributed to community radio stations on 5th February 1996 via the ComRadSat network and posted as a cassette (this audio was transferred from the original cassette in June 2016). Aired by ABC Radio National at 8:30pm on 11th February 1996.

 Part 2: “Cultures Of Difference” (25:19) produced by Michaela Perske (256kps 2 channel 25mb mp3) Distributed to community radio stations on 12th February 1996 via the ComRadSat network and posted as a cassette (this audio was transferred from the original cassette in June 2016). Aired by ABC Radio National at 8:30pm on 18th February 1996.

View the two program credit sheets as a 2mb pdf file.


Sons Of Bee Gees poster featuring John Frame's hairy chest

Sons Of Bee Gees – Brisbane’s epically proportioned disco tribute band playing live at *The Roxy as special guests of the Brisbane Lesbian and Gay Pride Festival’s “Feast” Dance Party. In this incarnation the 9 band members are Doug Hutson (vox, keys, guitar), Robyn Henderson (vox, keys), Lynne Eisentrager (vox), Mark Herbert (guitar), Glenn Bell (bass), Greg Jackson (drums), Michael Bouwman (sax), Chris Coulter (trombone) and John Frame (congas, percussion, synsonics). Recorded direct from the desk to DAT tape – analogue transfer to PC, with slight EQ then added throughout (and the channels of the early half of the first song - “I Love The Nightlife” – blended to match the rest of the original mix). Live mix by our long term friend and collaborator Barrie Beattie.  

The set list is I Love The Nightlife / Love Is The Drug / Boogie Fever / We Are Family / Funky Music / Ring My Bell / Lady Bump / Lady Marmalade / Yessir I Can Boogie / Bump No More.

download mp3 audioSons Of Bee Gees live at The Roxy Brisbane 8th July 1995 (37minute 256kps stereo, 70mb mp3)

*The Roxy was in recent years known as “The Arena” but the venue closed forever in March 2009.  It was a special honour to have performed from the same stage as other bands I’d enjoyed there- including Pansy Division, Midnight Oil, They Might Be Giants and The Cramps. 

Send feedback re Sons Of Bee Gees live at The Roxy Brisbane 8th July 1995



photo of Pat Parker

Pat Parker – the late Black Lesbian Feminist Poet reading her powerful and inspiring “Where Will You Be When They Come?”  Recorded, by persons unknown, at the Third World Conference sponsored Kick-Off Rally for the 14th October 1979 (first) National March On Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. This audio is from a “cartridge” tape which was in the library of 4ZZZfm Brisbane. In 2000 the station’s worn out cartridge players were being replaced by MiniDisc units. So while the cartridge players were still operable I copied this cart to my own Sony MZR50 portable MiniDisc. This cart had been in the studio for at least 10 years and is believed to have been copied from a cassette, which I expect in turn dates back to the early eighties when 4ZZZ and 2SER in Sydney combined their efforts to present a weekly gay news magazine “GRNS” (Gay Radio News Service). The original recording, which I have stored safely on CD, includes an outro by an American woman radio host saying “That was Pat Parker, black lesbian feminist poet, at the Third World sponsored Kick Off Rally of last October’s National March On Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights”. As per Wikipedia The National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays (formerly The National Coalition of Black Gays) was the United States' first national organization for African American and Third World gay rights. … In 1979, NCBG was the primary organizer of the Third World Conference held simultaneously with the first March on Washington for gay rights (October 12 - 14, 1979).” So that confirms the year and date of the Pat Parker recording.

In September 2009 I decided to do some digital restoration, removing the high end tape noise and trimming off the musical intro and spoken outro – leaving just Pat Parker’s voice. I’ve used 256kps stereo to ensure a high quality mp3:   

Meg Carter and Jim Goodwin at 82 Main Ave Wavell Hts 26 Sept 2009 (Life partners Meg Carter and Jim Goodwin 26 Sept ’09 at Wavell Heights, Brisbane – x John Frame)

Jim Goodwin – presenting the Jazz Show on 4ZZZfm in 1977 (then a low powered station, but with high quality sound)

In its early years community radio 4ZZZ was a mono broadcaster with a low power transmitter – but the quality was very dynamic, This recording of my friend Jim Goodwin presenting the Jazz Show was made at the home of friends Eugene and Lynn Hedemann, at Toowong – just a couple of km away from the studio located at University of Queensland Campus at St Lucia. Eugene had a high quality receiver amplifier, and I used my good quality Technics cassette deck with a new Hitachi UD tape to preserve that moment in history. It’s a mono recording – which I must assume accurately reflects the signal being broadcast at that time – but sounds amazingly good – way better than the station sounds today.

Jim was then, and still is a gourmet chef – and for quite some time now has also been a lecturer in that field in Melbourne. In 1977 Jim was one of several wonderful people sharing a house at 32 Dunsmore St, Kelvin Grove. He worked at Discreet Records in Elizabeth Arcade and his passion and broad taste in music strongly (and very positively) affected all of his friends. In this 44 minutes you hear Jim’s very laid back, honest voice and six of his favourite tracks – including very rare vinyl – concentrating on British Jazz in this set:

(1)   Ian Carr's Nucleus: "Images" from the album “Roots” (Vertigo 630100, Aug ’73) (Brian Smith, Dave Macrae, Jocelyn Pitchgen, Roger Sutton, Clive Thacker, Aureo DeSouza, featuring vocals by Joy Yates)

(2)   The Jazz Committee: “The Board Meeting” 1959 e.p. featuring Don Rendell on tenor sax)

(3)   Roger Dean’s Lysis Live:Threely” (1977, Chris Lawrence, Roger Dean, Ashley Brown)

(4)   Hopper, Dean, Tippett and Gallivan: “Seven Drones (from the Oct ’76 album “Cruel But Fair”) (Hugh Hopper, Elton Dean, Keith Tippett, Joe Gallivan)

(5)   Amalgam: “Tribute To ‘Trane” (Trevor Watts, Steve Hayden, Pete Cowling, Liam Genockey) (recorded 21 & 23 July 1976)

(6)   Joe Harriott: “Now’s The Time” (written by Charlie Parker) (Featuring Stan Tracey on piano)

“Out & Loud” mixtape compiled 14th April 2001 (75 minutes – 192kps stereo 110mb  mp3)

Long before I joined 4ZZZ I felt a passion for compiling mixtapes for my own pleasure - with theme titles including "Music For Annoying Neighbours", "Very Well Swung" and "Bum Biters Of Berlin". One great benefit of doing Queer Radio on 4ZZZ was informed awareness of the value of openly queer and queer positive musicians, film and tv shows. On the day before my friend Andrew Petersen’s birthday I put together this combination of music by talented LGBT and queer-positive artists and soundbites from tv, film etc which were representative of what I would program during the Queer Radio show. The intended outcome is a 75 minute proton power pill to affirm that queer sexuality is totally natural - something to celebrate and be proud of, with absolutely no apologies.

1. South Park (tv) and Beautiful Thing (film): “no one will ever oppress you here” / 2. B52’s: “Good Stuff” / 3. Futurama (tv): “gaydar / 4. Frank Zappa: “He’s So Gay” / 5. Simpsons (tv): “you know me Marge” / 6. Heatmiser: “Flame” / 7. American Beauty (film): “faggots” / 8. Placebo: “20th Century Boy” / 9. Out In The Bush (tv doco): “big deal I was gay” / 10. Consolidated: “Accept Me For What I Am” / 11: Cabaret (film): “maybe you only sleep with boys” / 12. Doug Stevens and the Outband: “Cowboy’s Sweetheart” / 13. Kicking On (film short): “how could you fuck him?” / 14. The Flirtations: “Fun Fun Fun/ 15. South Park (tv) Mr Garrison: “I’m gay!” / 16. Jimmy Street: “Gay Sex Guru” / 17. Jimmy Somerville (interview): “I am a man” / 18. Jimmy Somerville: “Heartbeat” / 19. Generation Q (“The Question of Equality” tv doc series): “I just kissed a boy” / 20. Pete Shelley: “Homosapien/ 21. Dawson’s Creek (tv): “Ask me If I’m gay” / 22.Pauline Pantsdown: “I Don’t Like It” / 23. Queer Duck (online cartoon): “I have an announcement” / 24. Pansy Division: “I Wish I’d Taken Pictures” / 25. The Object Of My Affection (film): “We’re here, we’re queer…” / 26. Shawn Thomas: “Out In This World” / 27: In & Out (film): “Are you really gay?” / 28. Doug Anthony All Stars: “Sailors Arms” / 29. Mark Weigle: “Two Cowboy Waltz” / 30. Get Real (film): “It’s only love…” / 31. David Brown: “To Love and Be Loved” / 32. Candye Kane: “Who Do You Love?” / 33. Female Trouble (film) Aunt Ida’s advice to nephew Gator. / 34. Wally Gunn: “Tongue Tied” / 35: Frank Kameny (ex TV doco “Pride Divide”) “moral absolutes” / 36. Rob Clarkson “Trust” / 37. South Park (tv): “What’s a homosexual?” / 38. Morrissey: “You’re Gonna Need Someone On Your Side” / 39. Queer As Folk, UK (tv): Stewart - “I’m not a pervert”.

download mp3 audio “Out & Loud” mixtape compiled 14th April 2001 (75 minutes – 192kps stereo 110mb  mp3)



David Tomlinson / Dick Bentley / Burl Ives restored 1950’s vinyl children’s recordings

The link below is to a page on my site where I offer links to mp3 files of my careful digital restorations of several of the vinyl records that I loved as a child and still love today. These records are no longer available in any official format, and yet they are of significant historical (and emotional) significance.

David Tomlinson was the late star of many British movies was happily married with children. He impressed me mightily as a child with his beautiful and articulate diction. One of my favourite records, made some time in the 50’s, was “When We Were Very Young” – featuring him reading and singing verse by A. A. Milne. On the page linked below there are jpg images of the record cover as well as full sleeve text, a sample song (as a 2mb mp3) and an invite to request the whole recording as a 128kps mono mp3. You will also find the next record in the series in which Australian Dick Bentley superbly sings and reads “The Best Of A. A. Milne” (selections from “Now We Are Six”) and “Hans Christian Andersen” (superior performances of the same arrangements that were used by Danny Kaye in the film). There’s also the beautifully produced full “Capt. Burl Ives’ Ark” album of childrens’ songs, which contains a mixture of uniquely wonderful material that you will never hear anywhere else:






“The Smart State Needs Smart Arses” animated gif  (67k)

T-shirt design “Blatant Not Latent” (90k jpg)

T-shirt design “Card Carrying Homosexual” (80k jpg)

T-shirt design “Queensland’s Sexual Activity Maths” (40k jpg)

Equal Love Now! Logo (30k jpg)




Submission by the University of Queensland’s CAMPUS CAMP in June 1975 to the Australian Royal Commission on Human Relationships (which eventually reported in 1977, recommending the decriminalisation of homosexuality). At that time only South Australia had decriminalised male to male sex. This document is assumed to have been mainly authored by journalist and health activist Martyn Goddard, but with input from other local queer activists of the time. Contains many poignant comments and suggestions which deserved much more prompt attention from all state and federal governments. One notable recommendation was that the national radio broadcaster (the ABC) should schedule a one hour weekly program devoted to LGBT people and issues. This text has been carefully scanned and proofed by me, John Frame, from the original printed document which was given to me by 4ZZZ’s Tony Kneipp in the mid ‘90s. CLICK HERE to download the 155K pdf file.